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Flavor Info

Overview #

Manager | Partner

Sort flavors by the size of CPU and RAM or use the search bar.

Warning #

To use a flavor for Server in Project, you have to assign the flavor to the project first. You can do so during project creation or in Flavor Info tab.

Bind To Project #

Choose OrganizationCloud Type, and Credentials where your project is stored. After selecting a flavor, you can bind it/them to the project.

An error message is displayed if the flavor is bound to the project.

Flavor Project Bounds/Unbind Flavor #

To overview all Flavors used in Projects, use the   button. Flavors for each Cloud (Amazon, Azure, OpenStack) can be sorted by NameProject NameCPU, and RAM.

To unbind a flavor from a specific project, choose a Cloud, select the project-flavor bound, and use  button.

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