
Taikun OCP Guide

Table of Contents

Quotas and limits


Limits are the resource limitations that are allowed for each
project. An administrator can configure limits in the
manila.conf file.

Users can query their rate and absolute limits.

To see the absolute limits, run:

$ manila absolute-limits
| Name                       | Value |
| maxTotalShareGigabytes     | 1000  |
| maxTotalShareNetworks      | 10    |
| maxTotalShareSnapshots     | 50    |
| maxTotalShares             | 50    |
| maxTotalSnapshotGigabytes  | 1000  |
| maxTotalShareReplicas      | 100   |
| maxTotalReplicaGigabytes   | 1000  |
| totalShareGigabytesUsed    | 1     |
| totalShareNetworksUsed     | 2     |
| totalShareSnapshotsUsed    | 1     |
| totalSharesUsed            | 1     |
| totalSnapshotGigabytesUsed | 1     |
| totalShareReplicasUsed     | 1     |
| totalReplicaGigabytesUsed  | 1     |

Rate limits control the frequency at which users can issue specific
API requests. Administrators use rate limiting to configure limits on
the type and number of API calls that can be made in a specific time
interval. For example, a rate limit can control the number of
GET requests processed during a one-minute period.

To set the API rate limits, modify the
etc/manila/api-paste.ini file, which is a part of the WSGI
pipeline and defines the actual limits. You need to restart
manila-api service after you edit the
etc/manila/api-paste.ini file.

paste.filter_factory = manila.api.v1.limits:RateLimitingMiddleware.factory
limits = (POST, "*/shares", ^/shares, 120, MINUTE);(PUT, "*/shares", .*, 120, MINUTE);(DELETE, "*", .*, 120, MINUTE)

Also, add the ratelimit to noauth and
keystone parameters in the
[composite:openstack_share_api] and
[composite:openstack_share_api_v2] groups.

use = call:manila.api.middleware.auth:pipeline_factory
noauth = cors faultwrap ssl ratelimit sizelimit noauth api
keystone = cors faultwrap ssl ratelimit sizelimit authtoken keystonecontext api
keystone_nolimit = cors faultwrap ssl sizelimit authtoken keystonecontext api

use = call:manila.api.middleware.auth:pipeline_factory
noauth = cors faultwrap ssl ratelimit sizelimit noauth apiv2
keystone = cors faultwrap ssl ratelimit sizelimit authtoken keystonecontext apiv2
keystone_nolimit = cors faultwrap ssl sizelimit authtoken keystonecontext apiv2

Finally, set the [DEFAULT] api_rate_limit parameter to


To see the rate limits, run:

$ manila rate-limits
| Verb   | URI        | Value | Remain | Unit   | Next_Available       |
| DELETE | "*"        | 120   | 120    | MINUTE | 2015-10-20T15:17:20Z |
| POST   | "*/shares" | 120   | 120    | MINUTE | 2015-10-20T15:17:20Z |
| PUT    | "*/shares" | 120   | 120    | MINUTE | 2015-10-20T15:17:20Z |


Quota sets provide quota management support.

To list the quotas for a project or user, use the manila quota-show
command. If you specify the optional --user parameter, you
get the quotas for this user in the specified project. If you omit this
parameter, you get the quotas for the specified project.


The Shared File Systems service does not perform mapping of usernames
and project names to IDs. Provide only ID values to get correct setup of
quotas. Setting it by names you set quota for nonexistent project/user.
In case quota is not set explicitly by project/user ID, The Shared File
Systems service just applies default quotas.

$ manila quota-show --tenant %project_id% --user %user_id%
| Property              | Value                             |
| id                    | d99c76b43b1743fd822d26ccc915989c  |
| gigabytes             | 1000                              |
| per_share_gigabytes   | -1                                |
| snapshot_gigabytes    | 1000                              |
| snapshots             | 50                                |
| shares                | 50                                |
| share_networks        | 10                                |
| share_groups          | 50                                |
| share_group_snapshots | 50                                |
| share_replicas        | 100                               |
| replica_gigabytes     | 1000                              |

There are default quotas for a project that are set from the
manila.conf file. To list the default quotas for a project,
use the manila quota-defaults command:

$ manila quota-defaults --tenant %project_id%
| Property              | Value                              |
| id                    | 1cc2154937bd40f4815d5f168d372263   |
| gigabytes             | 1000                               |
| per_share_gigabytes   | -1                                 |
| snapshot_gigabytes    | 1000                               |
| snapshots             | 50                                 |
| shares                | 50                                 |
| share_networks        | 10                                 |
| share_groups          | 50                                 |
| share_group_snapshots | 50                                 |
| share_replicas        | 100                                |
| replica_gigabytes     | 1000                               |

The administrator can update the quotas for a specific project, or
for a specific user by providing both the --tenant and
--user optional arguments. It is possible to update the
shares, snapshots, gigabytes,
snapshot-gigabytes, share-networks,
share_groups, share_group_snapshots and
share-type quotas.


Since API version 2.53, the administrator is also able to update
quotas for share replicas and replica gigabytes by specifying
share_replicas and/or replica_gigabytes. Since
API version 2.62, the administrator is also able to update quotas for
per share gigabytes by specifying per_share_gigabytes

$ manila quota-update %project_id% --user %user_id% --shares 49 --snapshots 49

As administrator, you can also permit or deny the force-update of a
quota that is already used, or if the requested value exceeds the
configured quota limit. To force-update a quota, use force
optional key.

$ manila quota-update %project_id% --shares 51 --snapshots 51 --force

The administrator can also update the quotas for a specific share
type. Share Type quotas cannot be set for individual users within a
project. They can only be applied across all users of a particular

$ manila quota-update %project_id% --share-type %share_type_id%

To revert quotas to default for a project or for a user, delete

$ manila quota-delete --tenant %project_id% --user-id %user_id%

To revert quotas to default, use the specific project or share type.
Share Type quotas can not be reverted for individual users within a
project. They can only be reverted across all users of a particular

$ manila quota-delete --tenant %project_id% --share-type %share_type_id%