

AI assistant

User | Manager | Partner


Use the power of AI to manage your Kubernetes cluster more efficiently. With our self-hosted solution, the AI assistant will help with fixing any issues with your Kubernetes cluster on the go.

Whenever your cluster has any Alerts, the AI Assistant window will describe the exact nature of the misbehavior and provide valuable suggestions for getting your infrastructure back on track.


The taikun connection utilizes self-hosted version of AI Assistance. Your data won’t be sent to OpenAI for processing when choosing these credentials.

Enable AI assistant

To enable AI assistant:

  1. Open any Project within your Taikun account
  2. Push the Settings button located on top of the page
  3. In the side menu, scroll down to the AI Assistant section and toggle this option on
  4. Specify the set of AI Credentials you’d like to use in your Project (taikun is the default connection that is self-hosted by the Taikun team) and
  5. Hit Enable Ai Assistant
Taikun settings – Enabling AI Assistant

Add custom Open AI account

Users of Taikun can also connect their own Open AI account to receive AI assistance directly within the application. To connect your AI assistant:

  1. As a Manager or Partner, switch to the AI Credentials tab in the left-hand menu
  2. Select the Add AI Credentials button in the top right corner
  3. Provide the following information:
    • Name – name for your AI Credentials
    • OpenAI API Key – refer to this OpenAI help center article to locate the key
    • Organization – specify the Organization you’d like to add the Credentials to

Taikun – Add AI Credentials

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