
Taikun OCP Guide

Table of Contents

Manage the cloud


System administrators can use the openstack to manage their clouds.

The openstack client can be used by all users, though
specific commands might be restricted by the Identity service.

Managing the cloud with the openstack client

  1. The python-openstackclient package provides an
    openstack shell that enables Compute API interactions from
    the command line. Install the client, and provide your user name and
    password (which can be set as environment variables for convenience),
    for the ability to administer the cloud from the command line.

    For more information on python-openstackclient, refer to
    the documentation <>.

  2. Confirm the installation was successful:

    $ openstack help
    usage: openstack [--version] [-v | -q] [--log-file LOG_FILE] [-h] [--debug]
               [--os-cloud <cloud-config-name>]
               [--os-region-name <auth-region-name>]
               [--os-cacert <ca-bundle-file>] [--verify | --insecure]
               [--os-default-domain <auth-domain>]

    Running openstack help returns a list of
    openstack commands and parameters. To get help for a
    subcommand, run:

    $ openstack help SUBCOMMAND

    For a complete list of openstack commands and
    parameters, refer to the OpenStack Command-Line Reference

  3. Set the required parameters as environment variables to make
    running commands easier. For example, you can add
    --os-username as an openstack option, or set
    it as an environment variable. To set the user name, password, and
    project as environment variables, use:

    $ export OS_USERNAME=joecool
    $ export OS_PASSWORD=coolword
    $ export OS_TENANT_NAME=coolu
  4. The Identity service gives you an authentication endpoint, which
    Compute recognizes as OS_AUTH_URL:

    $ export OS_AUTH_URL=http://hostname:5000/v2.0