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Taikun OCP Guide

ML2 plug-in


The Modular Layer 2 (ML2) neutron plug-in is a framework allowing
OpenStack Networking to simultaneously use the variety of layer 2
networking technologies found in complex real-world data centers. The
ML2 framework distinguishes between the two kinds of drivers that can be

  • Type drivers

    Define how an OpenStack network is technically realized. Example:

    Each available network type is managed by an ML2 type driver. Type
    drivers maintain any needed type-specific network state. They validate
    the type specific information for provider networks and are responsible
    for the allocation of a free segment in project networks.

  • Mechanism drivers

    Define the mechanism to access an OpenStack network of a certain
    type. Example: Open vSwitch mechanism driver.

    The mechanism driver is responsible for taking the information
    established by the type driver and ensuring that it is properly applied
    given the specific networking mechanisms that have been enabled.

    Mechanism drivers can utilize L2 agents (via RPC) and/or interact
    directly with external devices or controllers.

Multiple mechanism and type drivers can be used simultaneously to
access different ports of the same virtual network.

Picture showing relationships

ML2 driver support matrix

Mechanism drivers and L2 agents
type driver / mech driver Flat VLAN VXLAN GRE Geneve
Open vSwitch yes yes yes yes yes
Linux bridge yes yes yes no no
OVN yes yes yes (requires OVN 20.09+) no yes
SRIOV yes yes no no no
MacVTap yes yes no no no
L2 population no no yes yes yes


L2 population is a special mechanism driver that optimizes BUM
(Broadcast, unknown destination address, multicast) traffic in the
overlay networks VXLAN, GRE and Geneve. It needs to be used in
conjunction with either the Linux bridge or the Open vSwitch mechanism
driver and cannot be used as standalone mechanism driver. For more
information, see the Mechanism drivers section below.


Network type drivers

To enable type drivers in the ML2 plug-in. Edit the
/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini file:

type_drivers = flat,vlan,vxlan,gre


For more details,see the Bug

For more details, see the Networking configuration
of Configuration Reference.

The following type drivers are available

  • Flat
  • VLAN
  • GRE

Provider network types

Provider networks provide connectivity like project networks. But
only administrative (privileged) users can manage those networks because
they interface with the physical network infrastructure. More
information about provider networks see intro-os-networking.

  • Flat

    The administrator needs to configure a list of physical network names
    that can be used for provider networks. For more details, see the
    related section in the Configuration

  • VLAN

    The administrator needs to configure a list of physical network names
    that can be used for provider networks. For more details, see the
    related section in the Configuration

  • GRE

    No additional configuration required.


    The administrator can configure the VXLAN multicast group that should
    be used.


    VXLAN multicast group configuration is not applicable for the Open
    vSwitch agent.

    As of today it is not used in the Linux bridge agent. The Linux
    bridge agent has its own agent specific configuration option. For more
    details, see the Bug

Project network types

Project networks provide connectivity to instances for a particular
project. Regular (non-privileged) users can manage project networks
within the allocation that an administrator or operator defines for
them. More information about project and provider networks see intro-os-networking.

Project network configurations are made in the
/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini configuration file on
the neutron server:

  • VLAN

    The administrator needs to configure the range of VLAN IDs that can
    be used for project network allocation. For more details, see the
    related section in the Configuration

  • GRE

    The administrator needs to configure the range of tunnel IDs that can
    be used for project network allocation. For more details, see the
    related section in the Configuration


    The administrator needs to configure the range of VXLAN IDs that can
    be used for project network allocation. For more details, see the
    related section in the Configuration


Flat networks for project allocation are not supported. They only can
exist as a provider network.

Mechanism drivers

To enable mechanism drivers in the ML2 plug-in, edit the
/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini file on the neutron

mechanism_drivers = ovs,l2pop


For more details, see the Bug

For more details, see the Configuration

  • Linux bridge

    No additional configurations required for the mechanism driver.
    Additional agent configuration is required. For details, see the related
    L2 agent section below.

  • Open vSwitch

    No additional configurations required for the mechanism driver.
    Additional agent configuration is required. For details, see the related
    L2 agent section below.

  • OVN

    The administrator must configure some additional configuration
    options for the mechanism driver. When this driver is used, architecture
    of the Neutron application in the cluster is different from what it is
    with other drivers like e.g. Open vSwitch or Linuxbridge. For details,
    see OVN reference architecture<refarch-refarch>.


    The SRIOV driver accepts all PCI vendor devices.

  • MacVTap

    No additional configurations required for the mechanism driver.
    Additional agent configuration is required. Please see the related

  • L2 population

    The administrator can configure some optional configuration options.
    For more details, see the related section in the Configuration

  • Specialized

    • Open source

      External open source mechanism drivers exist as well as the neutron
      integrated reference implementations. Configuration of those drivers is
      not part of this document. For example:

      • OpenDaylight
      • OpenContrail
    • Proprietary (vendor)

      External mechanism drivers from various vendors exist as well as the
      neutron integrated reference implementations.

      Configuration of those drivers is not part of this document.

Supported VNIC types

The vnic_type_prohibit_list option is used to remove
values from the mechanism driver’s supported_vnic_types

Mechanism drivers and supported VNIC types
mech driver / supported_vnic_types supported VNIC types prohibiting available
Linux bridge normal no
OVN normal, direct, direct_macvtap, direct_physical no
MacVTap macvtap no
Open vSwitch normal, direct yes (ovs_driver vnic_type_prohibit_list, see: Configuration
SRIOV direct, macvtap, direct_physical yes (sriov_driver vnic_type_prohibit_list, see: Configuration

Extension Drivers

The ML2 plug-in also supports extension drivers that allows other
pluggable drivers to extend the core resources implemented in the ML2
plug-in (networks, ports, etc.). Examples of
extension drivers include support for QoS, port security, etc. For more
details see the extension_drivers configuration option in
the Configuration


L2 agent

An L2 agent serves layer 2 (Ethernet) network connectivity to
OpenStack resources. It typically runs on each Network Node and on each
Compute Node.

  • Open vSwitch agent

    The Open vSwitch agent configures the Open vSwitch to realize L2
    networks for OpenStack resources.

    Configuration for the Open vSwitch agent is typically done in the
    openvswitch_agent.ini configuration file. Make sure that on
    agent start you pass this configuration file as argument.

    For a detailed list of configuration options, see the related section
    in the Configuration

  • Linux bridge agent

    The Linux bridge agent configures Linux bridges to realize L2
    networks for OpenStack resources.

    Configuration for the Linux bridge agent is typically done in the
    linuxbridge_agent.ini configuration file. Make sure that on
    agent start you pass this configuration file as argument.

    For a detailed list of configuration options, see the related section
    in the Configuration

  • SRIOV Nic Switch agent

    The sriov nic switch agent configures PCI virtual functions to
    realize L2 networks for OpenStack instances. Network attachments for
    other resources like routers, DHCP, and so on are not supported.

    Configuration for the SRIOV nic switch agent is typically done in the
    sriov_agent.ini configuration file. Make sure that on agent
    start you pass this configuration file as argument.

    For a detailed list of configuration options, see the related section
    in the Configuration

  • MacVTap agent

    The MacVTap agent uses kernel MacVTap devices for realizing L2
    networks for OpenStack instances. Network attachments for other
    resources like routers, DHCP, and so on are not supported.

    Configuration for the MacVTap agent is typically done in the
    macvtap_agent.ini configuration file. Make sure that on
    agent start you pass this configuration file as argument.

    For a detailed list of configuration options, see the related section
    in the Configuration

L3 agent

The L3 agent offers advanced layer 3 services, like virtual Routers
and Floating IPs. It requires an L2 agent running in parallel.

Configuration for the L3 agent is typically done in the
l3_agent.ini configuration file. Make sure that on agent
start you pass this configuration file as argument.

For a detailed list of configuration options, see the related section
in the Configuration

DHCP agent

The DHCP agent is responsible for DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration
Protocol) and RADVD (Router Advertisement Daemon) services. It requires
a running L2 agent on the same node.

Configuration for the DHCP agent is typically done in the
dhcp_agent.ini configuration file. Make sure that on agent
start you pass this configuration file as argument.

For a detailed list of configuration options, see the related section
in the Configuration

Metadata agent

The Metadata agent allows instances to access cloud-init meta data
and user data via the network. It requires a running L2 agent on the
same node.

Configuration for the Metadata agent is typically done in the
metadata_agent.ini configuration file. Make sure that on
agent start you pass this configuration file as argument.

For a detailed list of configuration options, see the related section
in the Configuration

L3 metering agent

The L3 metering agent enables layer3 traffic metering. It requires a
running L3 agent on the same node.

Configuration for the L3 metering agent is typically done in the
metering_agent.ini configuration file. Make sure that on
agent start you pass this configuration file as argument.

For a detailed list of configuration options, see the related section
in the Configuration


L2 agents support some important security configurations.

  • Security Groups

    For more details, see the related section in the Configuration

  • Arp Spoofing Prevention

    Configured in the L2 agent configuration.

Reference implementations


In this section, the combination of a mechanism driver and an L2
agent is called ‘reference implementation’. The following table lists
these implementations:

Mechanism drivers and L2 agents
Mechanism Driver L2 agent
Open vSwitch Open vSwitch agent
Linux bridge Linux bridge agent
OVN No (there is ovn-controller running on nodes)
SRIOV SRIOV nic switch agent
MacVTap MacVTap agent
L2 population Open vSwitch agent, Linux bridge agent

The following tables shows which reference implementations support
which non-L2 neutron agents:

Reference implementations and other agents
Reference Implementation L3 agent DHCP agent Metadata agent L3 Metering agent
Open vSwitch & Open vSwitch agent yes yes yes yes
Linux bridge & Linux bridge agent yes yes yes yes
OVN no (own L3 implementation) no (DHCP provided by OVN, fully distributed) yes (running on compute nodes, fully distributed) no
SRIOV & SRIOV nic switch agent no no no no
MacVTap & MacVTap agent no no no no


L2 population is not listed here, as it is not a standalone
mechanism. If other agents are supported depends on the conjunctive
mechanism driver that is used for binding a port.

More information about L2 population see the OpenStack

Buying guide

This guide characterizes the L2 reference implementations that
currently exist.

  • Open vSwitch mechanism and Open vSwitch agent

    Can be used for instance network attachments as well as for
    attachments of other network resources like routers, DHCP, and so

  • Linux bridge mechanism and Linux bridge agent

    Can be used for instance network attachments as well as for
    attachments of other network resources like routers, DHCP, and so

  • OVN mechanism driver

    Can be used for instance network attachments as well as for
    attachments of other network resources like routers, metadata ports, and
    so on.

  • SRIOV mechanism driver and SRIOV NIC switch agent

    Can only be used for instance network attachments (device_owner =

    Is deployed besides an other mechanism driver and L2 agent such as
    OVS or Linux bridge. It offers instances direct access to the network
    adapter through a PCI Virtual Function (VF). This gives an instance
    direct access to hardware capabilities and high performance

    The cloud consumer can decide via the neutron APIs VNIC_TYPE
    attribute, if an instance gets a normal OVS port or an SRIOV port.

    Due to direct connection, some features are not available when using
    SRIOV. For example, DVR, security groups, migration.

    For more information see the config-sriov.

  • MacVTap mechanism driver and MacVTap agent

    Can only be used for instance network attachments (device_owner =
    compute) and not for attachment of other resources like routers, DHCP,
    and so on.

    It is positioned as alternative to Open vSwitch or Linux bridge
    support on the compute node for internal deployments.

    MacVTap offers a direct connection with very little overhead between
    instances and down to the adapter. You can use MacVTap agent on the
    compute node when you require a network connection that is performance
    critical. It does not require specific hardware (like with SRIOV).

    Due to the direct connection, some features are not available when
    using it on the compute node. For example, DVR, security groups and
    arp-spoofing protection.