
Taikun OCP Guide

Table of Contents

Quality of Service (QoS)

QoS is defined as the ability to guarantee certain network
requirements like bandwidth, latency, jitter, and reliability in order
to satisfy a Service Level Agreement (SLA) between an application
provider and end users.

Network devices such as switches and routers can mark traffic so that
it is handled with a higher priority to fulfill the QoS conditions
agreed under the SLA. In other cases, certain network traffic such as
Voice over IP (VoIP) and video streaming needs to be transmitted with
minimal bandwidth constraints. On a system without network QoS
management, all traffic will be transmitted in a “best-effort” manner
making it impossible to guarantee service delivery to customers.

QoS is an advanced service plug-in. QoS is decoupled from the rest of
the OpenStack Networking code on multiple levels and it is available
through the ml2 extension driver.

Details about the DB models, API extension, and use cases are out of
the scope of this guide but can be found in the Neutron
QoS specification

Supported QoS rule types

QoS supported rule types are now available as
rule types

  • bandwidth_limit: Bandwidth limitations on networks, ports or
    floating IPs.
  • packet_rate_limit: Packet rate limitations on certain types of
  • dscp_marking: Marking network traffic with a DSCP value.
  • minimum_bandwidth: Minimum bandwidth constraints on certain types of
  • minimum_packet_rate: Minimum packet rate constraints on certain
    types of traffic.

Any QoS driver can claim support for some QoS rule types by providing
a driver property called supported_rules, the QoS driver
manager will recalculate rule types dynamically that the QoS driver
supports. In the most simple case, the property can be represented by a
simple Python list defined on the class.

The following table shows the Networking back ends, QoS supported
rules, and traffic directions (from the VM point of view).

Networking back ends, supported rules, and traffic
Rule \ back end Open vSwitch SR-IOV Linux bridge OVN

Bandwidth limit

Egress \ Ingress

Egress (1) Egress \ Ingress Egress \ Ingress

Packet rate limit

Egress \ Ingress

Minimum bandwidth

Egress \ Ingress (2)

Egress \ Ingress (2)

Minimum packet rate

DSCP marking


Egress Egress


  1. Max burst parameter is skipped because it is not supported by the IP
  2. Placement based enforcement works for both egress and ingress
    directions, but dataplane enforcement depends on the backend.
Neutron backends, supported directions and enforcement
types for Minimum Bandwidth rule
Enforcement type Backend Open vSwitch SR-IOV Linux Bridge OVN


Egress (3)

Egress (1)


Egress/Ingress (2)

Egress/Ingress (2)


  1. Since Newton
  2. Since Stein
  3. Open vSwitch minimum bandwidth support is only implemented for
    egress direction and only for networks without tunneled traffic (only
    VLAN and flat network types).


The SR-IOV agent does not support dataplane enforcement for ports
with direct-physical vnic_type. However since Yoga the
Placement enforcement is supported for this vnic_type too.

Neutron backends, supported directions and enforcement
types for Minimum Packet Rate rule
Enforcement type Backend Open vSwitch SR-IOV Linux Bridge OVN



Any(1)/Egress/Ingress (2)


  1. Minimum packet rate rule supports any direction that
    can be used with non-hardware-offloaded OVS deployments, where packets
    processed from both ingress and egress directions are handled by the
    same set of CPU cores.
  2. Since Yoga.

For an ml2 plug-in, the list of supported QoS rule types and
parameters is defined as a common subset of rules supported by all
active mechanism drivers. A QoS rule is always attached to a QoS policy.
When a rule is created or updated:

  • The QoS plug-in will check if this rule and parameters are supported
    by any active mechanism driver if the QoS policy is not attached to any
    port or network.
  • The QoS plug-in will check if this rule and parameters are supported
    by the mechanism drivers managing those ports if the QoS policy is
    attached to any port or network.

Valid DSCP Marks

Valid DSCP mark values are even numbers between 0 and 56, except 2-6,
42, 44, and 50-54. The full list of valid DSCP marks is:

0, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40,
46, 48, 56

L3 QoS support

The Neutron L3 services have implemented their own QoS extensions.
Currently only bandwidth limit QoS is provided. This is the L3 QoS
extension list:

  • Floating IP bandwidth limit: the rate limit is applied per floating
    IP address independently.
  • Gateway IP bandwidth limit: the rate limit is applied in the router
    namespace gateway port (or in the SNAT namespace in case of DVR edge
    router). The rate limit applies to the gateway IP; that means all
    traffic using this gateway IP will be limited. This rate limit does not
    apply to the floating IP traffic.

L3 services that provide QoS extensions:

The following table shows the L3 service, the QoS supported
extension, and traffic directions (from the VM point of view) for
bandwidth limiting.

L3 service, supported extension, and traffic
Rule \ L3 service L3 router OVN L3

Floating IP

Egress \ Ingress

Egress \ Ingress

Gateway IP

Egress \ Ingress


To enable the service on a cloud with the architecture described in
, follow the steps below:

On the controller nodes:

  1. Add the QoS service to the service_plugins setting
    in /etc/neutron/neutron.conf. For example:

    service_plugins = router,metering,qos
  2. Optionally, set the needed notification_drivers in
    the [qos] section in /etc/neutron/neutron.conf
    (message_queue is the default).

  3. Optionally, in order to enable the floating IP QoS extension
    qos-fip, set the service_plugins option in
    /etc/neutron/neutron.conf to include both
    router and qos. For example:

    service_plugins = router,qos
  4. In /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini, add
    qos to extension_drivers in the
    [ml2] section. For example:

    extension_drivers = port_security,qos
  5. Edit the configuration file for the agent you are using and set
    the extensions to include qos in the
    [agent] section of the configuration file. The agent
    configuration file will reside in
    /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/<agent_name>_agent.ini where
    agent_name is the name of the agent being used (for example
    openvswitch). For example:

    extensions = qos

On the network and compute nodes:

  1. Edit the configuration file for the agent you are using and set
    the extensions to include qos in the
    [agent] section of the configuration file. The agent
    configuration file will reside in
    /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/<agent_name>_agent.ini where
    agent_name is the name of the agent being used (for example
    openvswitch). For example:

    extensions = qos
  2. Optionally, in order to enable QoS for floating IPs, set the
    extensions option in the [agent] section of
    /etc/neutron/l3_agent.ini to include fip_qos.
    If dvr is enabled, this has to be done for all the L3
    agents. For example:

    extensions = fip_qos


Floating IP associated to neutron port or to port forwarding can all
have bandwidth limit since Stein release. These neutron server side and
agent side extension configs will enable it once for all.

  1. Optionally, in order to enable QoS for router gateway IPs, set
    the extensions option in the [agent] section
    of /etc/neutron/l3_agent.ini to include
    gateway_ip_qos. Set this to all the dvr_snat
    or legacy L3 agents. For example:

    extensions = gateway_ip_qos

    And gateway_ip_qos should work together with the
    fip_qos in L3 agent for centralized routers, then all L3
    IPs with binding QoS policy can be limited under the QoS bandwidth limit

    extensions = fip_qos, gateway_ip_qos
  2. As rate limit doesn’t work on Open vSwitch’s
    internal ports, optionally, as a workaround, to make QoS
    bandwidth limit work on router’s gateway ports, set
    ovs_use_veth to True in DEFAULT
    section in /etc/neutron/l3_agent.ini

    ovs_use_veth = True


QoS currently works with ml2 only (SR-IOV, Open vSwitch, and
linuxbridge are drivers enabled for QoS).

DSCP marking
on outer header for overlay networks

When using overlay networks (e.g., VxLAN), the DSCP marking rule only
applies to the inner header, and during encapsulation, the DSCP mark is
not automatically copied to the outer header.

  1. In order to set the DSCP value of the outer header, modify the
    dscp configuration option in
    /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/<agent_name>_agent.ini where
    <agent_name> is the name of the agent being used
    (e.g., openvswitch):

    dscp = 8
  2. In order to copy the DSCP field of the inner header to the outer
    header, change the dscp_inherit configuration option to
    true in
    /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/<agent_name>_agent.ini where
    <agent_name> is the name of the agent being used
    (e.g., openvswitch):

    dscp_inherit = true

    If the dscp_inherit option is set to true, the previous
    dscp option is overwritten.

Trusted projects
policy.yaml configuration

If projects are trusted to administrate their own QoS policies in
your cloud, neutron’s file policy.yaml can be modified to
allow this.

Modify /etc/neutron/policy.yaml policy entries as

"get_policy": "rule:regular_user",
"create_policy": "rule:regular_user",
"update_policy": "rule:regular_user",
"delete_policy": "rule:regular_user",
"get_rule_type": "rule:regular_user",

To enable bandwidth limit rule:

"get_policy_bandwidth_limit_rule": "rule:regular_user",
"create_policy_bandwidth_limit_rule": "rule:regular_user",
"delete_policy_bandwidth_limit_rule": "rule:regular_user",
"update_policy_bandwidth_limit_rule": "rule:regular_user",

To enable DSCP marking rule:

"get_policy_dscp_marking_rule": "rule:regular_user",
"create_policy_dscp_marking_rule": "rule:regular_user",
"delete_policy_dscp_marking_rule": "rule:regular_user",
"update_policy_dscp_marking_rule": "rule:regular_user",

To enable minimum bandwidth rule:

"get_policy_minimum_bandwidth_rule": "rule:regular_user",
"create_policy_minimum_bandwidth_rule": "rule:regular_user",
"delete_policy_minimum_bandwidth_rule": "rule:regular_user",
"update_policy_minimum_bandwidth_rule": "rule:regular_user",

To enable minimum packet rate rule:

"get_policy_minimum_packet_rate_rule": "rule:regular_user",
"create_policy_minimum_packet_rate_rule": "rule:regular_user",
"delete_policy_minimum_packet_rate_rule": "rule:regular_user",
"update_policy_minimum_packet_rate_rule": "rule:regular_user",

User workflow

QoS policies are only created by admins with the default
policy.yaml. Therefore, you should have the cloud operator
set them up on behalf of the cloud projects.

If projects are trusted to create their own policies, check the
trusted projects policy.yaml configuration section.

First, create a QoS policy and its bandwidth limit rule:

$ openstack network qos policy create bw-limiter
| Field             | Value                                |
| description       |                                      |
| id                | 5df855e9-a833-49a3-9c82-c0839a5f103f |
| is_default        | False                                |
| name              | bw-limiter                           |
| project_id        | 4db7c1ed114a4a7fb0f077148155c500     |
| rules             | []                                   |
| shared            | False                                |

$ openstack network qos rule create --type bandwidth-limit --max-kbps 3000 \
    --max-burst-kbits 2400 --egress bw-limiter
| Field          | Value                                |
| direction      | egress                               |
| id             | 92ceb52f-170f-49d0-9528-976e2fee2d6f |
| max_burst_kbps | 2400                                 |
| max_kbps       | 3000                                 |
| name           | None                                 |
| project_id     |                                      |


The QoS implementation requires a burst value to ensure proper
behavior of bandwidth limit rules in the Open vSwitch and Linux bridge
agents. Configuring the proper burst value is very important. If the
burst value is set too low, bandwidth usage will be throttled even with
a proper bandwidth limit setting. This issue is discussed in various
documentation sources, for example in Juniper’s
. For TCP traffic it is recommended to set burst value
as 80% of desired bandwidth limit value. For example, if the bandwidth
limit is set to 1000kbps then enough burst value will be 800kbit. If the
configured burst value is too low, achieved bandwidth limit will be
lower than expected. If the configured burst value is too high, too few
packets could be limited and achieved bandwidth limit would be higher
than expected. If you do not provide a value, it defaults to 80% of the
bandwidth limit which works for typical TCP traffic.

Second, associate the created policy with an existing neutron port.
In order to do this, user extracts the port id to be associated to the
already created policy. In the next example, we will assign the
bw-limiter policy to the VM with IP address

$ openstack port list
| ID                                   | Fixed IP Addresses                |
| 0271d1d9-1b16-4410-bd74-82cdf6dcb5b3 | { ... , "ip_address": ""}|
| 88101e57-76fa-4d12-b0e0-4fc7634b874a | { ... , "ip_address": ""}|
| e04aab6a-5c6c-4bd9-a600-33333551a668 | { ... , "ip_address": ""}|

$ openstack port set --qos-policy bw-limiter \

In order to detach a port from the QoS policy, simply update again
the port configuration.

$ openstack port unset --qos-policy 88101e57-76fa-4d12-b0e0-4fc7634b874a

Ports can be created with a policy attached to them too.

$ openstack port create --qos-policy bw-limiter --network private port1
| Field                 | Value                                            |
| admin_state_up        | UP                                               |
| allowed_address_pairs |                                                  |
| binding_host_id       |                                                  |
| binding_profile       |                                                  |
| binding_vif_details   |                                                  |
| binding_vif_type      | unbound                                          |
| binding_vnic_type     | normal                                           |
| created_at            | 2017-05-15T08:43:00Z                             |
| data_plane_status     | None                                             |
| description           |                                                  |
| device_id             |                                                  |
| device_owner          |                                                  |
| dns_assignment        | None                                             |
| dns_name              | None                                             |
| extra_dhcp_opts       |                                                  |
| fixed_ips             | ip_address='', subnet_id='292f8c1e-...' |
| id                    | f51562ee-da8d-42de-9578-f6f5cb248226             |
| ip_address            | None                                             |
| mac_address           | fa:16:3e:d9:f2:ba                                |
| name                  | port1                                            |
| network_id            | 55dc2f70-0f92-4002-b343-ca34277b0234             |
| option_name           | None                                             |
| option_value          | None                                             |
| port_security_enabled | False                                            |
| project_id            | 4db7c1ed114a4a7fb0f077148155c500                 |
| qos_policy_id         | 5df855e9-a833-49a3-9c82-c0839a5f103f             |
| revision_number       | 6                                                |
| security_group_ids    | 0531cc1a-19d1-4cc7-ada5-49f8b08245be             |
| status                | DOWN                                             |
| subnet_id             | None                                             |
| tags                  | []                                               |
| trunk_details         | None                                             |
| updated_at            | 2017-05-15T08:43:00Z                             |

You can attach networks to a QoS policy. The meaning of this is that
any compute port connected to the network will use the network policy by
default unless the port has a specific policy attached to it. Internal
network owned ports like DHCP and internal router ports are excluded
from network policy application.

In order to attach a QoS policy to a network, update an existing
network, or initially create the network attached to the policy.

$ openstack network set --qos-policy bw-limiter private

The created policy can be associated with an existing floating IP. In
order to do this, user extracts the floating IP id to be associated to
the already created policy. In the next example, we will assign the
bw-limiter policy to the floating IP address

$ openstack floating ip list
| ID                                   | Floating IP Address | Fixed IP Address | Port | ... |
| 1163d127-6df3-44bb-b69c-c0e916303eb3 |        | None             | None | ... |
| d0ed7491-3eb7-4c4f-a0f0-df04f10a067c |       | None             | None | ... |
| f5a9ed48-2e9f-411c-8787-2b6ecd640090 |        | None             | None | ... |
$ openstack floating ip set --qos-policy bw-limiter d0ed7491-3eb7-4c4f-a0f0-df04f10a067c

In order to detach a floating IP from the QoS policy, simply update
the floating IP configuration.

$ openstack floating ip set --no-qos-policy d0ed7491-3eb7-4c4f-a0f0-df04f10a067c

Or use the unset action.

$ openstack floating ip unset --qos-policy d0ed7491-3eb7-4c4f-a0f0-df04f10a067c

Floating IPs can be created with a policy attached to them too.

$ openstack floating ip create --qos-policy bw-limiter public
| Field               | Value                                |
| created_at          | 2017-12-06T02:12:09Z                 |
| description         |                                      |
| fixed_ip_address    | None                                 |
| floating_ip_address |                        |
| floating_network_id | 4065eb05-cccb-4048-988c-e8c5480a746f |
| id                  | 6a0efeef-462b-4312-b4ad-627cde8a20e6 |
| name                |                        |
| port_id             | None                                 |
| project_id          | 916e39e8be52433ba040da3a3a6d0847     |
| qos_policy_id       | 5df855e9-a833-49a3-9c82-c0839a5f103f |
| revision_number     | 1                                    |
| router_id           | None                                 |
| status              | DOWN                                 |
| updated_at          | 2017-12-06T02:12:09Z                 |

The QoS bandwidth limit rules attached to a floating IP will become
active when you associate the latter with a port. For example, to
associate the previously created floating IP
to the instance port with uuid
a7f25e73-4288-4a16-93b9-b71e6fd00862 and fixed IP

$ openstack floating ip set --port a7f25e73-4288-4a16-93b9-b71e6fd00862 \


The QoS policy attached to a floating IP is not applied to a port, it
is applied to an associated floating IP only. Thus the ID of QoS policy
attached to a floating IP will not be visible in a port’s
qos_policy_id field after asscoating a floating IP to the
port. It is only visible in the floating IP attributes.


For now, the L3 agent floating IP QoS extension only supports
bandwidth_limit rules. Other rule types (like DSCP marking)
will be silently ignored for floating IPs. A QoS policy that does not
contain any bandwidth_limit rules will have no effect when
attached to a floating IP.

If floating IP is bound to a port, and both have binding QoS
bandwidth rules, the L3 agent floating IP QoS extension ignores the
behavior of the port QoS, and installs the rules from the QoS policy
associated to the floating IP on the appropriate device in the router

Each project can have at most one default QoS policy, although it is
not mandatory. If a default QoS policy is defined, all new networks
created within this project will have this policy assigned, as long as
no other QoS policy is explicitly attached during the creation process.
If the default QoS policy is unset, no change to existing networks will
be made.

In order to set a QoS policy as default, the parameter
--default must be used. To unset this QoS policy as
default, the parameter --no-default must be used.

$ openstack network qos policy create --default bw-limiter
| Field             | Value                                |
| description       |                                      |
| id                | 5df855e9-a833-49a3-9c82-c0839a5f103f |
| is_default        | True                                 |
| name              | bw-limiter                           |
| project_id        | 4db7c1ed114a4a7fb0f077148155c500     |
| rules             | []                                   |
| shared            | False                                |

$ openstack network qos policy set --no-default bw-limiter
| Field             | Value                                |
| description       |                                      |
| id                | 5df855e9-a833-49a3-9c82-c0839a5f103f |
| is_default        | False                                |
| name              | bw-limiter                           |
| project_id        | 4db7c1ed114a4a7fb0f077148155c500     |
| rules             | []                                   |
| shared            | False                                |

Create qos policy with packet rate limit rules:

$ openstack network qos policy create pps-limiter
| Field       | Value                                |
| description |                                      |
| id          | 97f0ac37-7dd6-4579-8359-3bef0751a505 |
| is_default  | False                                |
| name        | pps-limiter                          |
| project_id  | 1d70739f831b421fb38a27adb368fc17     |
| rules       | []                                   |
| shared      | False                                |
| tags        | []                                   |

$ openstack network qos rule create --max-kpps 1000 --max-burst-kpps 100 --ingress --type packet-rate-limit pps-limiter
| Field          | Value                                |
| direction      | ingress                              |
| id             | 4a1cb166-9661-48d7-bddb-00b7d75846cd |
| max_burst_kpps | 100                                  |
| max_kpps       | 1000                                 |
| name           | None                                 |
| project_id     |                                      |

$ openstack network qos rule create --max-kpps 1000 --max-burst-kpps 100 --egress --type packet-rate-limit pps-limiter
| Field          | Value                                |
| direction      | egress                               |
| id             | 6abd67f7-0bde-4ad3-ac54-b0a6103b0449 |
| max_burst_kpps | 100                                  |
| max_kpps       | 1000                                 |
| name           | None                                 |
| project_id     |                                      |


The unit for the rate and burst is kilo (1000) packets per

Now apply the packet rate limit QoS policy to a Port:

$ openstack port set --qos-policy pps-limiter 251948bd-08e4-4569-a47f-ecbc1fd4af4d


Packet rate limit is only supported by the ml2 ovs driver. And it
leverages the meter actions of the ovs kernel datapath or the userspace
ovs dpdk datapath. The meter action is only supported when the datapath
is in user mode or ovs kernel datapath with kernerl version >=

Administrator enforcement

Administrators are able to enforce policies on project ports or
networks. As long as the policy is not shared, the project is not be
able to detach any policy attached to a network or port.

If the policy is shared, the project is able to attach or detach such
policy from its own ports and networks.

Rule modification

You can modify rules at runtime. Rule modifications will be
propagated to any attached port.

$ openstack network qos rule set --max-kbps 2000 --max-burst-kbits 1600 \
    --ingress bw-limiter 92ceb52f-170f-49d0-9528-976e2fee2d6f

$ openstack network qos rule show \
    bw-limiter 92ceb52f-170f-49d0-9528-976e2fee2d6f
| Field          | Value                                |
| direction      | ingress                              |
| id             | 92ceb52f-170f-49d0-9528-976e2fee2d6f |
| max_burst_kbps | 1600                                 |
| max_kbps       | 2000                                 |
| name           | None                                 |
| project_id     |                                      |

Just like with bandwidth limiting, create a policy for DSCP marking

$ openstack network qos policy create dscp-marking
| Field             | Value                                |
| description       |                                      |
| id                | d1f90c76-fbe8-4d6f-bb87-a9aea997ed1e |
| is_default        | False                                |
| name              | dscp-marking                         |
| project_id        | 4db7c1ed114a4a7fb0f077148155c500     |
| rules             | []                                   |
| shared            | False                                |

You can create, update, list, delete, and show DSCP markings with the
neutron client:

$ openstack network qos rule create --type dscp-marking --dscp-mark 26 \
| Field          | Value                                |
| dscp_mark      | 26                                   |
| id             | 115e4f70-8034-4176-8fe9-2c47f8878a7d |
| name           | None                                 |
| project_id     |                                      |
$ openstack network qos rule set --dscp-mark 22 \
    dscp-marking 115e4f70-8034-4176-8fe9-2c47f8878a7d

$ openstack network qos rule list dscp-marking
| ID                                   | DSCP Mark                        |
| 115e4f70-8034-4176-8fe9-2c47f8878a7d | 22                               |

$ openstack network qos rule show \
    dscp-marking 115e4f70-8034-4176-8fe9-2c47f8878a7d
| Field          | Value                                |
| dscp_mark      | 22                                   |
| id             | 115e4f70-8034-4176-8fe9-2c47f8878a7d |
| name           | None                                 |
| project_id     |                                      |

$ openstack network qos rule delete \
    dscp-marking 115e4f70-8034-4176-8fe9-2c47f8878a7d

You can also include minimum bandwidth rules in your policy:

$ openstack network qos policy create bandwidth-control
| Field             | Value                                |
| description       |                                      |
| id                | 8491547e-add1-4c6c-a50e-42121237256c |
| is_default        | False                                |
| name              | bandwidth-control                    |
| project_id        | 7cc5a84e415d48e69d2b06aa67b317d8     |
| revision_number   | 1                                    |
| rules             | []                                   |
| shared            | False                                |

$ openstack network qos rule create \
  --type minimum-bandwidth --min-kbps 1000 --egress bandwidth-control
| Field      | Value                                |
| direction  | egress                               |
| id         | da858b32-44bc-43c9-b92b-cf6e2fa836ab |
| min_kbps   | 1000                                 |
| name       | None                                 |
| project_id |                                      |

A policy with a minimum bandwidth ensures best efforts are made to
provide no less than the specified bandwidth to each port on which the
rule is applied. However, as this feature is not yet integrated with the
Compute scheduler, minimum bandwidth cannot be guaranteed.

It is also possible to combine several rules in one policy, as long
as the type or direction of each rule is different. For example, You can
specify two bandwidth-limit rules, one with
egress and one with ingress direction.

$ openstack network qos rule create --type bandwidth-limit \
    --max-kbps 50000 --max-burst-kbits 50000 --egress bandwidth-control
| Field          | Value                                |
| direction      | egress                               |
| id             | 0db48906-a762-4d32-8694-3f65214c34a6 |
| max_burst_kbps | 50000                                |
| max_kbps       | 50000                                |
| name           | None                                 |
| project_id     |                                      |

$ openstack network qos rule create --type bandwidth-limit \
    --max-kbps 10000 --max-burst-kbits 10000 --ingress bandwidth-control
| Field          | Value                                |
| direction      | ingress                              |
| id             | faabef24-e23a-4fdf-8e92-f8cb66998834 |
| max_burst_kbps | 10000                                |
| max_kbps       | 10000                                |
| name           | None                                 |
| project_id     |                                      |

$ openstack network qos rule create --type minimum-bandwidth \
    --min-kbps 1000 --egress bandwidth-control
| Field      | Value                                |
| direction  | egress                               |
| id         | da858b32-44bc-43c9-b92b-cf6e2fa836ab |
| min_kbps   | 1000                                 |
| name       | None                                 |
| project_id |                                      |

$ openstack network qos policy show bandwidth-control
| Field             | Value                                                             |
| description       |                                                                   |
| id                | 8491547e-add1-4c6c-a50e-42121237256c                              |
| is_default        | False                                                             |
| name              | bandwidth-control                                                 |
| project_id        | 7cc5a84e415d48e69d2b06aa67b317d8                                  |
| revision_number   | 4                                                                 |
| rules             | [{u'max_kbps': 50000, u'direction': u'egress',                    |
|                   |   u'type': u'bandwidth_limit',                                    |
|                   |   u'id': u'0db48906-a762-4d32-8694-3f65214c34a6',                 |
|                   |   u'max_burst_kbps': 50000,                                       |
|                   |   u'qos_policy_id': u'8491547e-add1-4c6c-a50e-42121237256c'},     |
|                   | [{u'max_kbps': 10000, u'direction': u'ingress',                   |
|                   |   u'type': u'bandwidth_limit',                                    |
|                   |   u'id': u'faabef24-e23a-4fdf-8e92-f8cb66998834',                 |
|                   |   u'max_burst_kbps': 10000,                                       |
|                   |   u'qos_policy_id': u'8491547e-add1-4c6c-a50e-42121237256c'},     |
|                   |  {u'direction':                                                   |
|                   |   u'egress', u'min_kbps': 1000, u'type': u'minimum_bandwidth',    |
|                   |   u'id': u'da858b32-44bc-43c9-b92b-cf6e2fa836ab',                 |
|                   |   u'qos_policy_id': u'8491547e-add1-4c6c-a50e-42121237256c'}]     |
| shared            | False                                                             |