
Taikun Help Center

Accessing Bastion/Master of your cluster

Accessing Bastion

In the Kubernetes cluster, a Bastion is a server that acts as a gateway to access resources in a private network. In the context of Kubernetes, a bastion server is used to access the cluster’s control plane, which includes the API server, etcd database, and controller manager. The bastion server is used to securely access the Kubernetes cluster from outside the network using SSH. At the same time, the Master node is responsible for managing the Kubernetes cluster’s control plane, which includes the API server, etcd database, and controller manager. The Master node is responsible for making decisions about scheduling, scaling, and monitoring containerized applications running on the worker nodes. Before accessing the Bastion of your cluster, you need to authorize your IP in the Access Profile of your Project. You can read more about Access Profile and Projects on our Documentation.

Access IP of your cluster
  • At the User tab, select Projects
  • Select your Project
  • Copy the Access IP 
  • Use the SSH command line tool in Terminal. Your user must be your Taikun’s username.

ssh <you_user>@<access_IP>

  • You must receive the message: 

Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])?

So you can type YES and Enter.

Accessing Master

Accessing the master node of a cluster can be a bit more complex than accessing a bastion host, but it can still be broken down into a few basic steps.

  • Access the folder .ssh using the command line:

 cd .ssh

  • Create a file id_rsa inside the new folder:

 nano id_rsa

  • Type I to Insert, and paste your local machine’s Private Key. You are editing the file now.
  • Click Esc
  • Type :WQ to save the file and exit
  • Use chmod command to change permission:

 chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa

  • Copy your master’s IP:
  • Use SSH to access the Master:

ssh your_user@master_IP