In Taikun, catalogs and applications are two concepts used to organize and manage your resources.
A catalog is a collection of resources, such as Helm charts, Kubernetes manifests, or Terraform modules, that can be used to deploy and manage applications in Taikun. Think of a catalog as a library of reusable resources that you can use to build and deploy your applications quickly and easily.
Taikun has a built-in catalog that includes popular open-source tools and applications, such as WordPress, MySQL, and Redis. You can also create custom catalogs by uploading your resources or linking to external repositories.
An application, on the other hand, is a specific instance of a resource that is deployed and managed in Taikun. For example, you might have a WordPress application with a WordPress Helm chart, a MySQL database, and an Nginx ingress controller. Each resource would be deployed as part of the WordPress application in Taikun.
Applications can be deployed and managed using Taikun’s user-friendly interface, which provides a high-level view of your resources and their status. You can monitor your application’s health and performance, scale resources up or down as needed, and view logs and metrics to troubleshoot issues.
Catalogs and applications are two powerful tools in Taikun that help you organize and manage your resources effectively. Catalogs provide a library of reusable resources, while applications allow you to deploy and manage specific instances of those resources quickly.
Catalogs and applications are two great tools in Taikun that help you organize and manage your resources effectively. Catalogs provide a library of reusable resources, while applications allow you to deploy and manage specific instances of those resources quickly.