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Taikun OCP Guide

Table of Contents

Data processing and pipelines

The mechanism by which data is processed is called a pipeline.
Pipelines, at the configuration level, describe a coupling between
sources of data and the corresponding sinks for publication of data.
This functionality is handled by the notification agents.

A source is a producer of data: samples or
events. In effect, it is a set of notification handlers
emitting datapoints for a set of matching meters and event types.

Each source configuration encapsulates name matching and mapping to
one or more sinks for publication.

A sink, on the other hand, is a consumer of data, providing logic for
the publication of data emitted from related sources.

In effect, a sink describes a list of one or more publishers.

Pipeline configuration

The notification agent supports two pipelines: one that handles
samples and another that handles events. The pipelines can be enabled
and disabled by setting pipelines option
in the [notifications] section.

The actual configuration of each pipelines is, by default, stored in
separate configuration files: pipeline.yaml and
event_pipeline.yaml. The location of the configuration
files can be set by the pipeline_cfg_file and
event_pipeline_cfg_file options listed in configuring

The meter pipeline definition looks like:

  - name: 'source name'
      - 'meter filter'
      - 'sink name'
  - name: 'sink name'
      - 'list of publishers'

There are several ways to define the list of meters for a pipeline
source. The list of valid meters can be found in telemetry-measurements. There
is a possibility to define all the meters, or just included or excluded
meters, with which a source should operate:

  • To include all meters, use the * wildcard symbol. It is
    highly advisable to select only the meters that you intend on using to
    avoid flooding the metering database with unused data.
  • To define the list of meters, use either of the following:
    • To define the list of included meters, use the
      meter_name syntax.
    • To define the list of excluded meters, use the
      !meter_name syntax.


The OpenStack Telemetry service does not have any duplication check
between pipelines, and if you add a meter to multiple pipelines then it
is assumed the duplication is intentional and may be stored multiple
times according to the specified sinks.

The above definition methods can be used in the following

  • Use only the wildcard symbol.
  • Use the list of included meters.
  • Use the list of excluded meters.
  • Use wildcard symbol with the list of excluded meters.


At least one of the above variations should be included in the meters
section. Included and excluded meters cannot co-exist in the same
pipeline. Wildcard and included meters cannot co-exist in the same
pipeline definition section.

The publishers section contains the list of publishers, where the
samples data should be sent.

Similarly, the event pipeline definition looks like:

  - name: 'source name'
      - 'event filter'
      - 'sink name'
  - name: 'sink name'
      - 'list of publishers'

The event filter uses the same filtering logic as the meter


The Telemetry service provides several transport methods to transfer
the data collected to an external system. The consumers of this data are
widely different, like monitoring systems, for which data loss is
acceptable and billing systems, which require reliable data
transportation. Telemetry provides methods to fulfill the requirements
of both kind of systems.

The publisher component makes it possible to save the data into
persistent storage through the message bus or to send it to one or more
external consumers. One chain can contain multiple publishers.

To solve this problem, the multi-publisher can be configured for each
data point within the Telemetry service, allowing the same technical
meter or event to be published multiple times to multiple destinations,
each potentially using a different transport.

The following publisher types are supported:

gnocchi (default)

When the gnocchi publisher is enabled, measurement and resource
information is pushed to gnocchi for time-series optimized storage.
Gnocchi must be registered in the Identity service as Ceilometer
discovers the exact path via the Identity service.

More details on how to enable and configure gnocchi can be found on
its official documentation


Metering data can be send to the pushgateway of
Prometheus by using:


With this publisher, timestamp are not sent to Prometheus due to
Prometheus Pushgateway design. All timestamps are set at the time it
scrapes the metrics from the Pushgateway and not when the metric was
polled on the OpenStack services.

In order to get timeseries in Prometheus that looks like the reality
(but with the lag added by the Prometheus scrapping mechanism). The
scrape_interval for the pushgateway must
be lower and a multiple of the Ceilometer polling interval.

You can read more here

Due to this, this is not recommended to use this publisher for
billing purpose as timestamps in Prometheus will not be exact.


The notifier publisher can be specified in the form of
notifier://?option1=value1&option2=value2. It emits
data over AMQP using oslo.messaging. Any consumer can then subscribe to
the published topic for additional processing.

The following customization options are available:


The value of this parameter is 1. It is used for publishing the
samples on additional metering_topic.sample_name topic
queue besides the default metering_topic queue.


Used for configuring the behavior for the case, when the publisher
fails to send the samples, where the possible predefined values are:


Used for waiting and blocking until the samples have been sent.


Used for dropping the samples which are failed to be sent.


Used for creating an in-memory queue and retrying to send the samples
on the queue in the next samples publishing period (the queue length can
be configured with max_queue_length, where 1024 is the
default value).


The topic name of the queue to publish to. Setting this will override
the default topic defined by metering_topic and
event_topic options. This option can be used to support
multiple consumers.


The monasca publisher can be used to send measurements to the Monasca
API, where it will be stored with other metrics gathered by Monasca
Agent. Data is accessible through the Monasca API and be transformed
like other Monasca metrics.

The pipeline sink is specified with a publishers:
element of the form
- monasca://https://<your vip>/metrics/v2.0

Monasca API connection information is configured in the
ceilometer.conf file in a [monasca] section:

auth_section = monasca_auth
enable_api_pagination = True
client_retry_interval = 60
client_max_retries = 5
monasca_mappings = <absolute path to monasca_field_definitions.yaml>

auth_url = https://<vip to keystone instance>/identity
auth_type = password
username = <a Keystone user>
password = <password for user>
project_name = <project name, such as admin>
project_domain_id = <project domain ID, such as default>
user_domain_id = <user domain ID, such as default>
verify = <path to CA bundle in PEM format>
region_name = <region name, such as RegionOne>


The username specified should be for a Keystone user that has the
monasca_agent or monasca_user role enabled.
For management purposes, this may be the ceilometer user if the
appropriate role is granted.

For more detail and history of this publisher, see the Ceilosca Wiki and monasca-ceilometer


This publisher can be specified in the form of
udp://<host>:<port>/. It emits metering data
over UDP.


The file publisher can be specified in the form of
file://path?option1=value1&option2=value2. This
publisher records metering data into a file.


If a file name and location is not specified, the file
publisher does not log any meters, instead it logs a warning message in
the configured log file for Telemetry.

The following options are available for the file


When this option is greater than zero, it will cause a rollover. When
the specified size is about to be exceeded, the file is closed and a new
file is silently opened for output. If its value is zero, rollover never


If this value is non-zero, an extension will be appended to the
filename of the old log, as ‘.1’, ‘.2’, and so forth until the specified
value is reached. The file that is written and contains the newest data
is always the one that is specified without any extensions.


If this option is present, will force ceilometer to write json format
into the file.


The Telemetry service supports sending samples to an external HTTP
target. The samples are sent without any modification. To set this
option as the notification agents’ target, set http:// as a
publisher endpoint in the pipeline definition files. The HTTP target
should be set along with the publisher declaration. For example,
additional configuration options can be passed in:

The following options are available:


The number of seconds before HTTP request times out.


The number of times to retry a request before failing.


If false, the publisher will send each sample and event individually,
whether or not the notification agent is configured to process in


If false, the ssl certificate verification is disabled.

The default publisher is gnocchi, without any additional
options specified. A sample publishers section in the
/etc/ceilometer/pipeline.yaml looks like the following:

    - gnocchi://
    - udp://
    - notifier://?policy=drop&max_queue_length=512&topic=custom_target