
Taikun OCP Guide

Table of Contents

DNS integration with an external service

This page serves as a guide for how to use the DNS integration
functionality of the Networking service with an external DNSaaS

As a prerequisite this needs the internal DNS functionality offered
by the Networking service to be enabled, see config-dns-int.

OpenStack Networking for integration with an external DNS service

The first step to configure the integration with an external DNS
service is to enable the functionality described in config-dns-int-dns-resolution. Once this is done, the
user has to take the following steps and restart

  1. Edit the [default] section of
    /etc/neutron/neutron.conf and specify the external DNS
    service driver to be used in parameter external_dns_driver.
    The valid options are defined in namespace
    neutron.services.external_dns_drivers. The following
    example shows how to set up the driver for the OpenStack DNS

    external_dns_driver = designate
  2. If the OpenStack DNS service is the target external DNS, the
    [designate] section of
    /etc/neutron/neutron.conf must define the following

    • url: the OpenStack DNS service public endpoint URL.
      Note that this must always be the versioned endpoint currently.
    • auth_type: the authorization plugin to use. Usually
      this should be password, see https://docs.openstack.org/keystoneauth/latest/authentication-plugins.html
      for other options.
    • auth_url: the Identity service authorization endpoint
      url. This endpoint will be used by the Networking service to
      authenticate as an user to create and update reverse lookup (PTR)
    • username: the username to be used by the Networking
      service to create and update reverse lookup (PTR) zones.
    • password: the password of the user to be used by the
      Networking service to create and update reverse lookup (PTR) zones.
    • project_name: the name of the project to be used by the
      Networking service to create and update reverse lookup (PTR) zones.
    • project_domain_name: the name of the domain for the
      project to be used by the Networking service to create and update
      reverse lookup (PTR) zones.
    • user_domain_name: the name of the domain for the user
      to be used by the Networking service to create and update reverse lookup
      (PTR) zones.
    • region_name: the name of the region to be used by the
      Networking service to create and update reverse lookup (PTR) zones.
    • allow_reverse_dns_lookup: a boolean value specifying
      whether to enable or not the creation of reverse lookup (PTR)
    • ipv4_ptr_zone_prefix_size: the size in bits of the
      prefix for the IPv4 reverse lookup (PTR) zones.
    • ipv6_ptr_zone_prefix_size: the size in bits of the
      prefix for the IPv6 reverse lookup (PTR) zones.
    • ptr_zone_email: the email address to use when creating
      new reverse lookup (PTR) zones. The default is
      admin@<dns_domain> where
      <dns_domain> is the domain for the first record being
      created in that zone.
    • insecure: whether to disable SSL certificate
      validation. By default, certificates are validated.
    • cafile: Path to a valid Certificate Authority (CA)
      certificate. Optional, the system CAs are used as default.

    The following is an example:

    url =
    auth_type = password
    auth_url =
    username = neutron
    password = PASSWORD
    project_name = service
    project_domain_name = Default
    user_domain_name = Default
    allow_reverse_dns_lookup = True
    ipv4_ptr_zone_prefix_size = 24
    ipv6_ptr_zone_prefix_size = 116
    ptr_zone_email = [email protected]
    cafile = /etc/ssl/certs/my_ca_cert

Once the neutron-server has been configured and
restarted, users will have functionality that covers three use cases,
described in the following sections. In each of the use cases described

  • The examples assume the OpenStack DNS service as the external
  • A, AAAA and PTR records will be created in the DNS service.
  • Before executing any of the use cases, the user must create in the
    DNS service under their project a DNS zone where the A and AAAA records
    will be created. For the description of the use cases below, it is
    assumed the zone example.org. was created previously.
  • The PTR records will be created in zones owned by the project
    specified for project_name above.

case 1: Floating IPs are published with associated port DNS

In this use case, the address of a floating IP is published in the
external DNS service in conjunction with the dns_name of
its associated port and the dns_domain of the port’s
network. The steps to execute in this use case are the following:

  1. Assign a valid domain name to the network’s dns_domain
    attribute. This name must end with a period (.).
  2. Boot an instance or alternatively, create a port specifying a valid
    value to its dns_name attribute. If the port is going to be
    used for an instance boot, the value assigned to dns_name
    must be equal to the hostname that the Compute service will
    assign to the instance. Otherwise, the boot will fail.
  3. Create a floating IP and associate it to the port.

Following is an example of these steps:

$ openstack network set --dns-domain example.org. 38c5e950-b450-4c30-83d4-ee181c28aad3

$ openstack network show 38c5e950-b450-4c30-83d4-ee181c28aad3
| Field                     | Value                                |
| admin_state_up            | UP                                   |
| availability_zone_hints   |                                      |
| availability_zones        | nova                                 |
| created_at                | 2016-05-04T19:27:34Z                 |
| description               |                                      |
| dns_domain                | example.org.                         |
| id                        | 38c5e950-b450-4c30-83d4-ee181c28aad3 |
| ipv4_address_scope        | None                                 |
| ipv6_address_scope        | None                                 |
| is_default                | None                                 |
| is_vlan_transparent       | None                                 |
| mtu                       | 1450                                 |
| name                      | private                              |
| port_security_enabled     | True                                 |
| project_id                | d5660cb1e6934612a01b4fb2fb630725     |
| provider:network_type     | vlan                                 |
| provider:physical_network | None                                 |
| provider:segmentation_id  | 24                                   |
| qos_policy_id             | None                                 |
| revision_number           | 1                                    |
| router:external           | Internal                             |
| segments                  | None                                 |
| shared                    | False                                |
| status                    | ACTIVE                               |
| subnets                   | 43414c53-62ae-49bc-aa6c-c9dd7705818a |
|                           | 5b9282a1-0be1-4ade-b478-7868ad2a16ff |
| tags                      |                                      |
| updated_at                | 2016-05-04T19:27:34Z                 |

$ openstack server create --image cirros --flavor 42 \
  --nic net-id=38c5e950-b450-4c30-83d4-ee181c28aad3 my_vm
| Field                                | Value                                                          |
| OS-DCF:diskConfig                    | MANUAL                                                         |
| OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone          |                                                                |
| OS-EXT-STS:power_state               | 0                                                              |
| OS-EXT-STS:task_state                | scheduling                                                     |
| OS-EXT-STS:vm_state                  | building                                                       |
| OS-SRV-USG:launched_at               | -                                                              |
| OS-SRV-USG:terminated_at             | -                                                              |
| accessIPv4                           |                                                                |
| accessIPv6                           |                                                                |
| adminPass                            | oTLQLR3Kezmt                                                   |
| config_drive                         |                                                                |
| created                              | 2016-02-15T19:27:34Z                                           |
| flavor                               | m1.nano (42)                                                   |
| hostId                               |                                                                |
| id                                   | 43f328bb-b2d1-4cf1-a36f-3b2593397cb1                           |
| image                                | cirros-0.3.5-x86_64-uec (b9d981eb-d21c-4ce2-9dbc-dd38f3d9015f) |
| key_name                             | -                                                              |
| locked                               | False                                                          |
| metadata                             | {}                                                             |
| name                                 | my_vm                                                          |
| os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached | []                                                             |
| progress                             | 0                                                              |
| security_groups                      | default                                                        |
| status                               | BUILD                                                          |
| tenant_id                            | d5660cb1e6934612a01b4fb2fb630725                               |
| updated                              | 2016-02-15T19:27:34Z                                           |
| user_id                              | 8bb6e578cba24e7db9d3810633124525                               |

$ openstack server list
| ID                                   | Name  | Status | Networks                                                 | Image  | Flavor  |
| 43f328bb-b2d1-4cf1-a36f-3b2593397cb1 | my_vm | ACTIVE | private=fda4:653e:71b0:0:f816:3eff:fe16:b5f2, | cirros | m1.nano |

$ openstack port list --device-id 43f328bb-b2d1-4cf1-a36f-3b2593397cb1
| ID                                   | Name | MAC Address       | Fixed IP Addresses                                                                                          | Status |
| da0b1f75-c895-460f-9fc1-4d6ec84cf85f |      | fa:16:3e:16:b5:f2 | ip_address='', subnet_id='5b9282a1-0be1-4ade-b478-7868ad2a16ff'                                   | ACTIVE |
|                                      |      |                   | ip_address='fda4:653e:71b0:0:f816:3eff:fe16:b5f2', subnet_id='43414c53-62ae-49bc-aa6c-c9dd7705818a'         |        |

$ openstack port show da0b1f75-c895-460f-9fc1-4d6ec84cf85f
| Field                 | Value                                                                                                      |
| admin_state_up        | UP                                                                                                         |
| allowed_address_pairs |                                                                                                            |
| binding_host_id       | vultr.guest                                                                                                |
| binding_profile       |                                                                                                            |
| binding_vif_details   | datapath_type='system', ovs_hybrid_plug='True', port_filter='True'                                         |
| binding_vif_type      | ovs                                                                                                        |
| binding_vnic_type     | normal                                                                                                     |
| created_at            | 2016-02-15T19:27:34Z                                                                                       |
| data_plane_status     | None                                                                                                       |
| description           |                                                                                                            |
| device_id             | 43f328bb-b2d1-4cf1-a36f-3b2593397cb1                                                                       |
| device_owner          | compute:None                                                                                               |
| dns_assignment        | fqdn='my-vm.example.org.', hostname='my-vm', ip_address=''                                       |
|                       | fqdn='my-vm.example.org.', hostname='my-vm', ip_address='fda4:653e:71b0:0:f816:3eff:fe16:b5f2'             |
| dns_domain            | example.org.                                                                                               |
| dns_name              | my-vm                                                                                                      |
| extra_dhcp_opts       |                                                                                                            |
| fixed_ips             | ip_address='', subnet_id='5b9282a1-0be1-4ade-b478-7868ad2a16ff'                                  |
|                       | ip_address='fda4:653e:71b0:0:f816:3eff:fe16:b5f2', subnet_id='43414c53-62ae-49bc-aa6c-c9dd7705818a'        |
| id                    | da0b1f75-c895-460f-9fc1-4d6ec84cf85f                                                                       |
| mac_address           | fa:16:3e:16:b5:f2                                                                                          |
| name                  |                                                                                                            |
| network_id            | 38c5e950-b450-4c30-83d4-ee181c28aad3                                                                       |
| port_security_enabled | True                                                                                                       |
| project_id            | d5660cb1e6934612a01b4fb2fb630725                                                                           |
| qos_policy_id         | None                                                                                                       |
| revision_number       | 1                                                                                                          |
| security_group_ids    | 1f0ddd73-7e3c-48bd-a64c-7ded4fe0e635                                                                       |
| status                | ACTIVE                                                                                                     |
| tags                  |                                                                                                            |
| trunk_details         | None                                                                                                       |
| updated_at            | 2016-02-15T19:27:34Z                                                                                       |

$ openstack recordset list example.org.
| id                                   | name               | type | records                                                               | status | action |
| a5fe696d-203f-4018-b0d8-590221adb513 | example.org.       | NS   | ns1.devstack.org.                                                     | ACTIVE | NONE   |
| e7c05a5d-83a0-4fe5-8bd5-ab058a3326aa | example.org.       | SOA  | ns1.devstack.org. malavall.us.ibm.com. 1513767794 3532 600 86400 3600 | ACTIVE | NONE   |

$ openstack floating ip create 41fa3995-9e4a-4cd9-bb51-3e5424f2ff2a \
  --port da0b1f75-c895-460f-9fc1-4d6ec84cf85f
| Field               | Value                                |
| created_at          | 2016-02-15T20:27:34Z                 |
| description         |                                      |
| dns_domain          |                                      |
| dns_name            |                                      |
| fixed_ip_address    |                           |
| floating_ip_address |                         |
| floating_network_id | 41fa3995-9e4a-4cd9-bb51-3e5424f2ff2a |
| id                  | e78f6eb1-a35f-4a90-941d-87c888d5fcc7 |
| name                |                         |
| port_id             | da0b1f75-c895-460f-9fc1-4d6ec84cf85f |
| project_id          | d5660cb1e6934612a01b4fb2fb630725     |
| qos_policy_id       | None                                 |
| revision_number     | 1                                    |
| router_id           | 970ebe83-c4a3-4642-810e-43ab7b0c2b5f |
| status              | DOWN                                 |
| subnet_id           | None                                 |
| tags                | []                                   |
| updated_at          | 2016-02-15T20:27:34Z                 |

$ openstack recordset list example.org.
| id                                   | name               | type | records                                                               | status | action |
| a5fe696d-203f-4018-b0d8-590221adb513 | example.org.       | NS   | ns1.devstack.org.                                                     | ACTIVE | NONE   |
| e7c05a5d-83a0-4fe5-8bd5-ab058a3326aa | example.org.       | SOA  | ns1.devstack.org. malavall.us.ibm.com. 1513768814 3532 600 86400 3600 | ACTIVE | NONE   |
| 5ff53fd0-3746-48da-b9c9-77ed3004ec67 | my-vm.example.org. | A    |                                                          | ACTIVE | NONE   |

In this example, notice that the data is published in the DNS service
when the floating IP is associated to the port.

Following are the PTR records created for this example. Note that for
IPv4, the value of ipv4_ptr_zone_prefix_size is 24. Also,
since the zone for the PTR records is created in the
service project, you need to use admin credentials in order
to be able to view it.

$ openstack recordset list --all-projects 100.51.198.in-addr.arpa.
| id                                   | project_id                       | name                       | type | data                                                                | status | action |
| 2dd0b894-25fa-4563-9d32-9f13bd67f329 | 07224d17d76d42499a38f00ba4339710 | 100.51.198.in-addr.arpa.   | NS   | ns1.devstack.org.                                                   | ACTIVE | NONE   |
| 47b920f1-5eff-4dfa-9616-7cb5b7cb7ca6 | 07224d17d76d42499a38f00ba4339710 | 100.51.198.in-addr.arpa.   | SOA  | ns1.devstack.org. admin.example.org. 1455564862 3600 600 86400 3600 | ACTIVE | NONE   |
| fb1edf42-abba-410c-8397-831f45fd0cd7 | 07224d17d76d42499a38f00ba4339710 | | PTR  | my-vm.example.org.                                                  | ACTIVE | NONE   |

case 2: Floating IPs are published in the external DNS service

In this use case, the user assigns dns_name and
dns_domain attributes to a floating IP when it is created.
The floating IP data becomes visible in the external DNS service as soon
as it is created. The floating IP can be associated with a port on
creation or later on. The following example shows a user booting an
instance and then creating a floating IP associated to the port
allocated for the instance:

$ openstack network show 38c5e950-b450-4c30-83d4-ee181c28aad3
| Field                     | Value                                                                      |
| admin_state_up            | UP                                                                         |
| availability_zone_hints   |                                                                            |
| availability_zones        | nova                                                                       |
| created_at                | 2016-05-04T19:27:34Z                                                       |
| description               |                                                                            |
| dns_domain                | example.org.                                                               |
| id                        | 38c5e950-b450-4c30-83d4-ee181c28aad3                                       |
| ipv4_address_scope        | None                                                                       |
| ipv6_address_scope        | None                                                                       |
| is_default                | None                                                                       |
| is_vlan_transparent       | None                                                                       |
| mtu                       | 1450                                                                       |
| name                      | private                                                                    |
| port_security_enabled     | True                                                                       |
| project_id                | d5660cb1e6934612a01b4fb2fb630725                                           |
| provider:network_type     | vlan                                                                       |
| provider:physical_network | None                                                                       |
| provider:segmentation_id  | 24                                                                         |
| qos_policy_id             | None                                                                       |
| revision_number           | 1                                                                          |
| router:external           | Internal                                                                   |
| segments                  | None                                                                       |
| shared                    | False                                                                      |
| status                    | ACTIVE                                                                     |
| subnets                   | 43414c53-62ae-49bc-aa6c-c9dd7705818a, 5b9282a1-0be1-4ade-b478-7868ad2a16ff |
| tags                      |                                                                            |
| updated_at                | 2016-05-04T19:27:34Z                                                       |

$ openstack server create --image cirros --flavor 42 \
  --nic net-id=38c5e950-b450-4c30-83d4-ee181c28aad3 my_vm
| Field                                | Value                                                          |
| OS-DCF:diskConfig                    | MANUAL                                                         |
| OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone          |                                                                |
| OS-EXT-STS:power_state               | 0                                                              |
| OS-EXT-STS:task_state                | scheduling                                                     |
| OS-EXT-STS:vm_state                  | building                                                       |
| OS-SRV-USG:launched_at               | -                                                              |
| OS-SRV-USG:terminated_at             | -                                                              |
| accessIPv4                           |                                                                |
| accessIPv6                           |                                                                |
| adminPass                            | HLXGznYqXM4J                                                   |
| config_drive                         |                                                                |
| created                              | 2016-02-15T19:42:44Z                                           |
| flavor                               | m1.nano (42)                                                   |
| hostId                               |                                                                |
| id                                   | 71fb4ac8-eed8-4644-8113-0641962bb125                           |
| image                                | cirros-0.3.5-x86_64-uec (b9d981eb-d21c-4ce2-9dbc-dd38f3d9015f) |
| key_name                             | -                                                              |
| locked                               | False                                                          |
| metadata                             | {}                                                             |
| name                                 | my_vm                                                          |
| os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached | []                                                             |
| progress                             | 0                                                              |
| security_groups                      | default                                                        |
| status                               | BUILD                                                          |
| tenant_id                            | d5660cb1e6934612a01b4fb2fb630725                               |
| updated                              | 2016-02-15T19:42:44Z                                           |
| user_id                              | 8bb6e578cba24e7db9d3810633124525                               |

$ openstack server list
| ID                                   | Name  | Status | Networks                                                 | Image  | Flavor  |
| 71fb4ac8-eed8-4644-8113-0641962bb125 | my_vm | ACTIVE | private=fda4:653e:71b0:0:f816:3eff:fe24:8614, | cirros | m1.nano |

$ openstack port list --device-id 71fb4ac8-eed8-4644-8113-0641962bb125
| ID                                   | Name | MAC Address       | Fixed IP Addresses                                                                                  | Status |
| 1e7033fb-8e9d-458b-89ed-8312cafcfdcb |      | fa:16:3e:24:86:14 | ip_address='', subnet_id='5b9282a1-0be1-4ade-b478-7868ad2a16ff'                           | ACTIVE |
|                                      |      |                   | ip_address='fda4:653e:71b0:0:f816:3eff:fe24:8614', subnet_id='43414c53-62ae-49bc-aa6c-c9dd7705818a' |        |

$ openstack port show 1e7033fb-8e9d-458b-89ed-8312cafcfdcb
| Field                 | Value                                                                                                      |
| admin_state_up        | UP                                                                                                         |
| allowed_address_pairs |                                                                                                            |
| binding_host_id       | vultr.guest                                                                                                |
| binding_profile       |                                                                                                            |
| binding_vif_details   | datapath_type='system', ovs_hybrid_plug='True', port_filter='True'                                         |
| binding_vif_type      | ovs                                                                                                        |
| binding_vnic_type     | normal                                                                                                     |
| created_at            | 2016-02-15T19:42:44Z                                                                                       |
| data_plane_status     | None                                                                                                       |
| description           |                                                                                                            |
| device_id             | 71fb4ac8-eed8-4644-8113-0641962bb125                                                                       |
| device_owner          | compute:None                                                                                               |
| dns_assignment        | fqdn='my-vm.example.org.', hostname='my-vm', ip_address=''                                       |
|                       | fqdn='my-vm.example.org.', hostname='my-vm', ip_address='fda4:653e:71b0:0:f816:3eff:fe24:8614'             |
| dns_domain            | example.org.                                                                                               |
| dns_name              | my-vm                                                                                                      |
| extra_dhcp_opts       |                                                                                                            |
| fixed_ips             | ip_address='', subnet_id='5b9282a1-0be1-4ade-b478-7868ad2a16ff'                                  |
|                       | ip_address='fda4:653e:71b0:0:f816:3eff:fe24:8614', subnet_id='43414c53-62ae-49bc-aa6c-c9dd7705818a'        |
| id                    | 1e7033fb-8e9d-458b-89ed-8312cafcfdcb                                                                       |
| mac_address           | fa:16:3e:24:86:14                                                                                          |
| name                  |                                                                                                            |
| network_id            | 38c5e950-b450-4c30-83d4-ee181c28aad3                                                                       |
| port_security_enabled | True                                                                                                       |
| project_id            | d5660cb1e6934612a01b4fb2fb630725                                                                           |
| qos_policy_id         | None                                                                                                       |
| revision_number       | 1                                                                                                          |
| security_group_ids    | 1f0ddd73-7e3c-48bd-a64c-7ded4fe0e635                                                                       |
| status                | ACTIVE                                                                                                     |
| tags                  |                                                                                                            |
| trunk_details         | None                                                                                                       |
| updated_at            | 2016-02-15T19:42:44Z                                                                                       |

$ openstack recordset list example.org.
| id                                   | name               | type | records                                                               | status | action |
| 56ca0b88-e343-4c98-8faa-19746e169baf | example.org.       | NS   | ns1.devstack.org.                                                     | ACTIVE | NONE   |
| 10a36008-6ecf-47c3-b321-05652a929b04 | example.org.       | SOA  | ns1.devstack.org. malavall.us.ibm.com. 1455565110 3532 600 86400 3600 | ACTIVE | NONE   |

$ openstack floating ip create --dns-domain example.org. --dns-name my-floatingip 41fa3995-9e4a-4cd9-bb51-3e5424f2ff2a
| Field               | Value                                |
| created_at          | 2019-06-12T15:54:45Z                 |
| description         |                                      |
| dns_domain          | example.org.                         |
| dns_name            | my-floatingip                        |
| fixed_ip_address    | None                                 |
| floating_ip_address |                         |
| floating_network_id | 41fa3995-9e4a-4cd9-bb51-3e5424f2ff2a |
| id                  | 3ae82f53-3349-4aac-810e-ed2a8f6374b8 |
| name                |                        |
| port_details        | None                                 |
| port_id             | None                                 |
| project_id          | d5660cb1e6934612a01b4fb2fb630725     |
| qos_policy_id       | None                                 |
| revision_number     | 0                                    |
| router_id           | None                                 |
| status              | DOWN                                 |
| subnet_id           | None                                 |
| tags                | []                                   |
| updated_at          | 2019-06-12T15:54:45Z                 |

$ openstack recordset list example.org.
| id                                   | name                       | type | records                                                               | status | action |
| 56ca0b88-e343-4c98-8faa-19746e169baf | example.org.               | NS   | ns1.devstack.org.                                                     | ACTIVE | NONE   |
| 10a36008-6ecf-47c3-b321-05652a929b04 | example.org.               | SOA  | ns1.devstack.org. malavall.us.ibm.com. 1455565110 3532 600 86400 3600 | ACTIVE | NONE   |
| 8884c56f-3ef5-446e-ae4d-8053cc8bc2b4 | my-floatingip.example.org. | A    |                                                         | ACTIVE | NONE   |

Note that in this use case:

  • The dns_name and dns_domain attributes of
    a floating IP must be specified together on creation. They cannot be
    assigned to the floating IP separately and they cannot be changed after
    the floating IP has been created.
  • The dns_name and dns_domain of a floating
    IP have precedence, for purposes of being published in the external DNS
    service, over the dns_name of its associated port and the
    dns_domain of the port’s network, whether they are
    specified or not. Only the dns_name and the
    dns_domain of the floating IP are published in the external
    DNS service.

Following are the PTR records created for this example. Note that for
IPv4, the value of ipv4_ptr_zone_prefix_size is 24. Also,
since the zone for the PTR records is created in the project specified
in the [designate] section in the config above, usually the
service project, you need to use admin credentials in order
to be able to view it.

$ openstack recordset list --all-projects 100.51.198.in-addr.arpa.
| id                                   | project_id                       | name                       | type | data                                                                | status | action |
| 2dd0b894-25fa-4563-9d32-9f13bd67f329 | 07224d17d76d42499a38f00ba4339710 | 100.51.198.in-addr.arpa.   | NS   | ns1.devstack.org.                                                   | ACTIVE | NONE   |
| 47b920f1-5eff-4dfa-9616-7cb5b7cb7ca6 | 07224d17d76d42499a38f00ba4339710 | 100.51.198.in-addr.arpa.   | SOA  | ns1.devstack.org. admin.example.org. 1455564862 3600 600 86400 3600 | ACTIVE | NONE   |
| 589a0171-e77a-4ab6-ba6e-23114f2b9366 | 07224d17d76d42499a38f00ba4339710 | | PTR  | my-floatingip.example.org.                                          | ACTIVE | NONE   |

Use case 3: Ports are published directly
in the external DNS service

In this case, the user is creating ports or booting instances on a
network that is accessible externally. There are multiple possible
scenarios here depending on which of the DNS extensions is enabled in
the Neutron configuration. These extensions are described in the
following in descending order of priority.

Use case
3a: The subnet_dns_publish_fixed_ip extension

When the subnet_dns_publish_fixed_ip extension is
enabled, it is possible to make a selection per subnet whether DNS
records should be published for fixed IPs that are assigned to ports
from that subnet. This happens via the
dns_publish_fixed_ips attribute that this extension adds to
the definition of the subnet resource. It is a boolean flag with a
default value of False but it can be set to
True when creating or updating subnets. When the flag is
True, all fixed IPs from this subnet are published in the
external DNS service, while at the same time IPs from other subnets
having the flag set to False are not published, even if
they otherwise would meet the criteria from the other use cases

A typical scenario for this use case is a dual stack deployment,
where a tenant network would be configured with both an IPv4 and an IPv6
subnet. The IPv4 subnet will usually be using some RFC1918 address space
and being NATted towards the outside on the attached router, therefore
the fixed IPs from this subnet will not be globally routed and they also
should not be published in the DNS service. (One can still bind floating
IPs to these fixed IPs and DNS records for those floating IPs can still
be published as described above in use cases 1 and 2).

But for the IPv6 subnet, no NAT will happen, instead the subnet will
be configured with some globally routable prefix and thus the user will
want to publish DNS records for fixed IPs from this subnet. This can be
achieved by setting the dns_publish_fixed_ips attribute for
the IPv6 subnet to True while leaving the flag set to
False for the IPv4 subnet. Example:

$ openstack network create dualstack
... output omitted ...
$ openstack subnet create --network dualstack dualstackv4 --subnet-range
... output omitted ...
$ openstack subnet create --network dualstack dualstackv6 --protocol ipv6 --subnet-range 2001:db8:42:42::/64 --dns-publish-fixed-ip
... output omitted ...
$ openstack zone create example.org. --email [email protected]
... output omitted ...
$ openstack recordset list example.org.
| id                                   | name         | type | records                                                            | status | action |
| 404e9846-1482-433b-8bbc-67677e587d28 | example.org. | NS   | ns1.devstack.org.                                                  | ACTIVE | NONE   |
| de73576a-f9c7-4892-934c-259b77ff02c0 | example.org. | SOA  | ns1.devstack.org. mail.example.org. 1575897792 3559 600 86400 3600 | ACTIVE | NONE   |
$ openstack port create port1 --dns-domain example.org. --dns-name port1 --network dualstack
| Field                   | Value                                                                                                                                                                   |
| admin_state_up          | UP                                                                                                                                                                      |
| allowed_address_pairs   |                                                                                                                                                                         |
| binding_host_id         | None                                                                                                                                                                    |
| binding_profile         | None                                                                                                                                                                    |
| binding_vif_details     | None                                                                                                                                                                    |
| binding_vif_type        | None                                                                                                                                                                    |
| binding_vnic_type       | normal                                                                                                                                                                  |
| created_at              | 2019-12-09T13:23:52Z                                                                                                                                                    |
| data_plane_status       | None                                                                                                                                                                    |
| description             |                                                                                                                                                                         |
| device_id               |                                                                                                                                                                         |
| device_owner            |                                                                                                                                                                         |
| dns_assignment          | fqdn='port1.openstackgate.local.', hostname='port1', ip_address=''                                                                                           |
|                         | fqdn='port1.openstackgate.local.', hostname='port1', ip_address='2001:db8:42:42::2a2'                                                                                   |
| dns_domain              | example.org.                                                                                                                                                            |
| dns_name                | port1                                                                                                                                                                   |
| extra_dhcp_opts         |                                                                                                                                                                         |
| fixed_ips               | ip_address='', subnet_id='47cc9a39-c88b-4082-a52c-1237c2a1d479'                                                                                              |
|                         | ip_address='2001:db8:42:42::2a2', subnet_id='f9c04195-1000-4575-a203-3c174772617f'                                                                                      |
| id                      | f8bc991b-1f84-435a-a5f8-814bd8b9ae9f                                                                                                                                    |
| location                | cloud='devstack', project.domain_id='default', project.domain_name=, project.id='86de4dab952d48f79e625b106f7a75f7', project.name='demo', region_name='RegionOne', zone= |
| mac_address             | fa:16:3e:13:7a:56                                                                                                                                                       |
| name                    | port1                                                                                                                                                                   |
| network_id              | fa8118ed-b7c2-41b8-89bc-97e46f0491ac                                                                                                                                    |
| port_security_enabled   | True                                                                                                                                                                    |
| project_id              | 86de4dab952d48f79e625b106f7a75f7                                                                                                                                        |
| propagate_uplink_status | None                                                                                                                                                                    |
| qos_policy_id           | None                                                                                                                                                                    |
| resource_request        | None                                                                                                                                                                    |
| revision_number         | 1                                                                                                                                                                       |
| security_group_ids      | f0b02df0-a0b9-4ce8-b067-8b61a8679e9d                                                                                                                                    |
| status                  | DOWN                                                                                                                                                                    |
| tags                    |                                                                                                                                                                         |
| trunk_details           | None                                                                                                                                                                    |
| updated_at              | 2019-12-09T13:23:53Z                                                                                                                                                    |
$ openstack recordset list example.org.
| id                                   | name               | type | records                                                            | status | action |
| 404e9846-1482-433b-8bbc-67677e587d28 | example.org.       | NS   | ns1.devstack.org.                                                  | ACTIVE | NONE   |
| de73576a-f9c7-4892-934c-259b77ff02c0 | example.org.       | SOA  | ns1.devstack.org. mail.example.org. 1575897833 3559 600 86400 3600 | ACTIVE | NONE   |
| 85ce74a5-7dd6-42d3-932c-c9a029dea05e | port1.example.org. | AAAA | 2001:db8:42:42::2a2                                                | ACTIVE | NONE   |

Use case 3b: The
dns_domain_ports extension

If the dns_domain for ports extension has been
configured, the user can create a port specifying a non-blank value in
its dns_domain attribute. If the port is created in an
externally accessible network, DNS records will be published for this

$ openstack port create --network 37aaff3a-6047-45ac-bf4f-a825e56fd2b3 --dns-name my-vm --dns-domain port-domain.org. test
| Field                   | Value                                                                         |
| admin_state_up          | UP                                                                            |
| allowed_address_pairs   |                                                                               |
| binding_host_id         | None                                                                          |
| binding_profile         | None                                                                          |
| binding_vif_details     | None                                                                          |
| binding_vif_type        | None                                                                          |
| binding_vnic_type       | normal                                                                        |
| created_at              | 2019-06-12T15:43:29Z                                                          |
| data_plane_status       | None                                                                          |
| description             |                                                                               |
| device_id               |                                                                               |
| device_owner            |                                                                               |
| dns_assignment          | fqdn='my-vm.example.org.', hostname='my-vm', ip_address=''         |
|                         | fqdn='my-vm.example.org.', hostname='my-vm', ip_address='2001:db8:10::9'      |
| dns_domain              | port-domain.org.                                                              |
| dns_name                | my-vm                                                                         |
| extra_dhcp_opts         |                                                                               |
| fixed_ips               | ip_address='', subnet_id='277eca5d-9869-474b-960e-6da5951d09f7'    |
|                         | ip_address='2001:db8:10::9', subnet_id='eab47748-3f0a-4775-a09f-b0c24bb64bc4' |
| id                      | 57541c27-f8a9-41f1-8dde-eb10155496e6                                          |
| mac_address             | fa:16:3e:55:d6:c7                                                             |
| name                    | test                                                                          |
| network_id              | 37aaff3a-6047-45ac-bf4f-a825e56fd2b3                                          |
| port_security_enabled   | True                                                                          |
| project_id              | 07b21ad4-edb6-420b-bd76-9bb4aab0d135                                          |
| propagate_uplink_status | None                                                                          |
| qos_policy_id           | None                                                                          |
| resource_request        | None                                                                          |
| revision_number         | 1                                                                             |
| security_group_ids      | 82227b10-d135-4bca-b41f-63c1f2286b3e                                          |
| status                  | DOWN                                                                          |
| tags                    |                                                                               |
| trunk_details           | None                                                                          |
| updated_at              | 2019-06-12T15:43:29Z                                                          |

In this case, the port’s dns_name (my-vm)
will be published in the port-domain.org. zone, as shown

$ openstack recordset list port-domain.org.
| id                                   | name                    | type | records                                                               | status | action |
| 03e5a35b-d984-4d10-942a-2de8ccb9b941 | port-domain.org.        | SOA  | ns1.devstack.org. malavall.us.ibm.com. 1503272259 3549 600 86400 3600 | ACTIVE | NONE   |
| d2dd1dfe-531d-4fea-8c0e-f5b559942ac5 | port-domain.org.        | NS   | ns1.devstack.org.                                                     | ACTIVE | NONE   |
| 67a8e83d-7e3c-4fb1-9261-0481318bb7b5 | my-vm.port-domain.org.  | A    |                                                           | ACTIVE | NONE   |
| 5a4f671c-9969-47aa-82e1-e05754021852 | my-vm.port-domain.org.  | AAAA | 2001:db8:10::9                                                        | ACTIVE | NONE   |


If both the port and its network have a valid non-blank string
assigned to their dns_domain attributes, the port’s
dns_domain takes precedence over the network’s.


The name assigned to the port’s dns_domain attribute
must end with a period (.).


In the above example, the port-domain.org. zone must be
created before Neutron can publish any port data to it.


See config-dns-int-ext-serv-net for detailed instructions
on how to create the externally accessible network.

Use case 3c: The dns

If the user wants to publish a port in the external DNS service in a
zone specified by the dns_domain attribute of the network,
these are the steps to be taken:

  1. Assign a valid domain name to the network’s dns_domain
    attribute. This name must end with a period (.).
  2. Boot an instance specifying the externally accessible network.
    Alternatively, create a port on the externally accessible network
    specifying a valid value to its dns_name attribute. If the
    port is going to be used for an instance boot, the value assigned to
    dns_name must be equal to the hostname that
    the Compute service will assign to the instance. Otherwise, the boot
    will fail.

Once these steps are executed, the port’s DNS data will be published
in the external DNS service. This is an example:

$ openstack network list
| ID                                   | Name     | Subnets                                                                     |
| 41fa3995-9e4a-4cd9-bb51-3e5424f2ff2a | public   | a67cfdf7-9d5d-406f-8a19-3f38e4fc3e74, cbd8c6dc-ca81-457e-9c5d-f8ece7ef67f8  |
| 37aaff3a-6047-45ac-bf4f-a825e56fd2b3 | external | 277eca5d-9869-474b-960e-6da5951d09f7, eab47748-3f0a-4775-a09f-b0c24bb64bc4  |
| bf2802a0-99a0-4e8c-91e4-107d03f158ea | my-net   | 6141b474-56cd-430f-b731-71660bb79b79                                        |
| 38c5e950-b450-4c30-83d4-ee181c28aad3 | private  | 43414c53-62ae-49bc-aa6c-c9dd7705818a, 5b9282a1-0be1-4ade-b478-7868ad2a16ff  |

$ openstack network set --dns-domain example.org. 37aaff3a-6047-45ac-bf4f-a825e56fd2b3

$ openstack network show 37aaff3a-6047-45ac-bf4f-a825e56fd2b3
| Field                     | Value                                                                      |
| admin_state_up            | UP                                                                         |
| availability_zone_hints   |                                                                            |
| availability_zones        | nova                                                                       |
| created_at                | 2016-02-14T19:42:44Z                                                       |
| description               |                                                                            |
| dns_domain                | example.org.                                                               |
| id                        | 37aaff3a-6047-45ac-bf4f-a825e56fd2b3                                       |
| ipv4_address_scope        | None                                                                       |
| ipv6_address_scope        | None                                                                       |
| is_default                | None                                                                       |
| is_vlan_transparent       | None                                                                       |
| mtu                       | 1450                                                                       |
| name                      | external                                                                   |
| port_security_enabled     | True                                                                       |
| project_id                | 04fc2f83966245dba907efb783f8eab9                                           |
| provider:network_type     | vlan                                                                       |
| provider:physical_network | None                                                                       |
| provider:segmentation_id  | 2016                                                                       |
| qos_policy_id             | None                                                                       |
| revision_number           | 4                                                                          |
| router:external           | Internal                                                                   |
| segments                  | None                                                                       |
| shared                    | True                                                                       |
| status                    | ACTIVE                                                                     |
| subnets                   | eab47748-3f0a-4775-a09f-b0c24bb64bc4, 277eca5d-9869-474b-960e-6da5951d09f7 |
| tags                      |                                                                            |
| updated_at                | 2016-02-15T13:42:44Z                                                       |

$ openstack recordset list example.org.
| id                                   | name         | type | records                                                               | status | action |
| a5fe696d-203f-4018-b0d8-590221adb513 | example.org. | NS   | ns1.devstack.org.                                                     | ACTIVE | NONE   |
| e7c05a5d-83a0-4fe5-8bd5-ab058a3326aa | example.org. | SOA  | ns1.devstack.org. malavall.us.ibm.com. 1513767619 3532 600 86400 3600 | ACTIVE | NONE   |

$ openstack port create --network 37aaff3a-6047-45ac-bf4f-a825e56fd2b3 --dns-name my-vm test
| Field                 | Value                                                                         |
| admin_state_up        | UP                                                                            |
| allowed_address_pairs |                                                                               |
| binding_host_id       |                                                                               |
| binding_profile       |                                                                               |
| binding_vif_details   |                                                                               |
| binding_vif_type      | unbound                                                                       |
| binding_vnic_type     | normal                                                                        |
| created_at            | 2016-02-15T16:42:44Z                                                          |
| data_plane_status     | None                                                                          |
| description           |                                                                               |
| device_id             |                                                                               |
| device_owner          |                                                                               |
| dns_assignment        | fqdn='my-vm.example.org.', hostname='my-vm', ip_address=''         |
|                       | fqdn='my-vm.example.org.', hostname='my-vm', ip_address='2001:db8:10::9'      |
| dns_domain            | None                                                                          |
| dns_name              | my-vm                                                                         |
| extra_dhcp_opts       |                                                                               |
| fixed_ips             | ip_address='', subnet_id='277eca5d-9869-474b-960e-6da5951d09f7'    |
|                       | ip_address='2001:db8:10::9', subnet_id=‘eab47748-3f0a-4775-a09f-b0c24bb64bc4’ |
| id                    | 04be331b-dc5e-410a-9103-9c8983aeb186                                          |
| mac_address           | fa:16:3e:0f:4b:e4                                                             |
| name                  | test                                                                          |
| network_id            | 37aaff3a-6047-45ac-bf4f-a825e56fd2b3                                          |
| port_security_enabled | True                                                                          |
| project_id            | d5660cb1e6934612a01b4fb2fb630725                                              |
| qos_policy_id         | None                                                                          |
| revision_number       | 1                                                                             |
| security_group_ids    | 1f0ddd73-7e3c-48bd-a64c-7ded4fe0e635                                          |
| status                | DOWN                                                                          |
| tags                  |                                                                               |
| trunk_details         | None                                                                          |
| updated_at            | 2016-02-15T16:42:44Z                                                          |

$ openstack recordset list example.org.
| id                                   | name               | type | records                                                               | status | action |
| a5fe696d-203f-4018-b0d8-590221adb513 | example.org.       | NS   | ns1.devstack.org.                                                     | ACTIVE | NONE   |
| e7c05a5d-83a0-4fe5-8bd5-ab058a3326aa | example.org.       | SOA  | ns1.devstack.org. malavall.us.ibm.com. 1513767794 3532 600 86400 3600 | ACTIVE | NONE   |
| fa753ab8-bffa-400d-9ef8-d4a3b1a7ffbf | my-vm.example.org. | A    |                                                           | ACTIVE | NONE   |
| 04abf9f8-c7a3-43f6-9a55-95cee9b144a9 | my-vm.example.org. | AAAA | 2001:db8:10::9                                                        | ACTIVE | NONE   |

$ openstack server create --image cirros --flavor 42 \
  --nic port-id=04be331b-dc5e-410a-9103-9c8983aeb186 my_vm
| Field                                | Value                                                          |
| OS-DCF:diskConfig                    | MANUAL                                                         |
| OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone          |                                                                |
| OS-EXT-STS:power_state               | 0                                                              |
| OS-EXT-STS:task_state                | scheduling                                                     |
| OS-EXT-STS:vm_state                  | building                                                       |
| OS-SRV-USG:launched_at               | -                                                              |
| OS-SRV-USG:terminated_at             | -                                                              |
| accessIPv4                           |                                                                |
| accessIPv6                           |                                                                |
| adminPass                            | TDc9EpBT3B9W                                                   |
| config_drive                         |                                                                |
| created                              | 2016-02-15T19:10:43Z                                           |
| flavor                               | m1.nano (42)                                                   |
| hostId                               |                                                                |
| id                                   | 62c19691-d1c7-4d7b-a88e-9cc4d95d4f41                           |
| image                                | cirros-0.3.5-x86_64-uec (b9d981eb-d21c-4ce2-9dbc-dd38f3d9015f) |
| key_name                             | -                                                              |
| locked                               | False                                                          |
| metadata                             | {}                                                             |
| name                                 | my_vm                                                          |
| os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached | []                                                             |
| progress                             | 0                                                              |
| security_groups                      | default                                                        |
| status                               | BUILD                                                          |
| tenant_id                            | d5660cb1e6934612a01b4fb2fb630725                               |
| updated                              | 2016-02-15T19:10:43Z                                           |
| user_id                              | 8bb6e578cba24e7db9d3810633124525                               |

$ openstack server list
| ID                                   | Name  | Status | Networks                             | Image  | Flavor  |
| 62c19691-d1c7-4d7b-a88e-9cc4d95d4f41 | my_vm | ACTIVE | external=, 2001:db8:10::9 | cirros | m1.nano |

In this example the port is created manually by the user and then
used to boot an instance. Notice that:

  • The port’s data was visible in the DNS service as soon as it was
  • See config-dns-performance-considerations for an
    explanation of the potential performance impact associated with this use

Following are the PTR records created for this example. Note that for
IPv4, the value of ipv4_ptr_zone_prefix_size is 24. In the
case of IPv6, the value of ipv6_ptr_zone_prefix_size is

$ openstack recordset list --all-projects 113.0.203.in-addr.arpa.
| id                                   | project_id                       | name                      | type | records                                                             | status | action |
| 32f1c05b-7c5d-4230-9088-961a0a462d28 | 07224d17d76d42499a38f00ba4339710 | 113.0.203.in-addr.arpa.   | SOA  | ns1.devstack.org. admin.example.org. 1455563035 3600 600 86400 3600 | ACTIVE | NONE   |
| 3d402c43-b215-4a75-a730-51cbb8999cb8 | 07224d17d76d42499a38f00ba4339710 | 113.0.203.in-addr.arpa.   | NS   | ns1.devstack.org.                                                   | ACTIVE | NONE   |
| 8e4e618c-24b0-43db-ab06-91b741a91c10 | 07224d17d76d42499a38f00ba4339710 | | PTR  | my-vm.example.org.                                                  | ACTIVE | NONE   |

$ openstack recordset list --all-projects
| id                                   | project_id                       | name                                                                      | type | records                                                             | status | action |
| d8923354-13eb-4bd9-914a-0a2ae5f95989 | 07224d17d76d42499a38f00ba4339710 |       | SOA  | ns1.devstack.org. admin.example.org. 1455563036 3600 600 86400 3600 | ACTIVE | NONE   |
| 72e60acd-098d-41ea-9771-5b6546c9c06f | 07224d17d76d42499a38f00ba4339710 |       | NS   | ns1.devstack.org.                                                   | ACTIVE | NONE   |
| 877e0215-2ddf-4d01-a7da-47f1092dfd56 | 07224d17d76d42499a38f00ba4339710 | | PTR  | my-vm.example.org.                                                  | ACTIVE | NONE   |

See config-dns-int-ext-serv-net for detailed instructions
on how to create the externally accessible network.


Only for config-dns-use-case-3, if the port binding extension
is enabled in the Networking service, the Compute service will execute
one additional port update operation when allocating the port for the
instance during the boot process. This may have a noticeable adverse
effect in the performance of the boot process that should be evaluated
before adoption of this use case.

Configuration of the externally
accessible network for use cases 3b and 3c

For use cases 3b and 3c, the externally accessible network must meet
the following requirements:

  • The network may not have attribute router:external set
    to True.
  • The network type can be FLAT, VLAN, GRE, VXLAN or GENEVE.
  • For network types VLAN, GRE, VXLAN or GENEVE, the segmentation ID
    must be outside the ranges assigned to project networks.

This usually implies that these use cases only work for networks
specifically created for this purpose by an admin, they do not work for
networks which tenants can create on their own.

The port’s
dns_assignment attribute with use case 3

The dns_assignment attribute is not calculated as
described in config-dns-int when a port is created under use case
3. Instead of concatenating the port’s dns_name with the
value configured in the dns_domain parameter in
neutron.conf, the dns_name is concatenated
with the dns_domain of either the port or the network,
depending on whether the use case is 3a, 3b or 3c. For example:

$ openstack network show external -c dns_domain -f value
$ cat /etc/neutron/neutron.conf | grep dns_domain
dns_domain = my-domain.org
$ openstack recordset list dns-domain-1.org.
| id                                   | name              | type | records                                                               | status | action |
| 2b3e9ea4-8035-4595-955d-ec8c55816111 | dns-domain-1.org. | SOA  | ns1.devstack.org. mlavalle.redhat.com. 1642583355 3517 600 86400 3600 | ACTIVE | NONE   |
| 801dd911-43e6-430a-a80b-ea09af76a9a4 | dns-domain-1.org. | NS   | ns1.devstack.org.                                                     | ACTIVE | NONE   |
$ openstack port create --dns-name a-port --network external a_port
| Field                   | Value                                                                                                                                                                                     |
| admin_state_up          | UP                                                                                                                                                                                        |
| allowed_address_pairs   |                                                                                                                                                                                           |
| binding_host_id         | None                                                                                                                                                                                      |
| binding_profile         | None                                                                                                                                                                                      |
| binding_vif_details     | None                                                                                                                                                                                      |
| binding_vif_type        | None                                                                                                                                                                                      |
| binding_vnic_type       | normal                                                                                                                                                                                    |
| created_at              | 2022-01-19T09:15:34Z                                                                                                                                                                      |
| data_plane_status       | None                                                                                                                                                                                      |
| description             |                                                                                                                                                                                           |
| device_id               |                                                                                                                                                                                           |
| device_owner            |                                                                                                                                                                                           |
| device_profile          | None                                                                                                                                                                                      |
| dns_assignment          | fqdn='a-port.dns-domain-1.org.', hostname='a-port', ip_address=''                                                                                                           |
|                         | fqdn='a-port.dns-domain-1.org.', hostname='a-port', ip_address='fd5e:7a6b:1a62::a3'                                                                                                       |
| dns_domain              |                                                                                                                                                                                           |
| dns_name                | a-port                                                                                                                                                                                    |
| extra_dhcp_opts         |                                                                                                                                                                                           |
| fixed_ips               | ip_address='', subnet_id='6795a775-4a76-49b0-bac6-ba8a8b62bd22'                                                                                                             |
|                         | ip_address='fd5e:7a6b:1a62::a3', subnet_id='97b719f8-2307-4162-bf08-523d9c0fc6a9'                                                                                                         |
| id                      | 080f01e7-78b9-43ed-a807-1e0d59099bed                                                                                                                                                      |
| ip_allocation           | None                                                                                                                                                                                      |
| location                | Munch({'cloud': '', 'region_name': 'RegionOne', 'zone': None, 'project': Munch({'id': 'afc55714081b4ef29f99ec128cb1fa30', 'name': 'demo', 'domain_id': 'default', 'domain_name': None})}) |
| mac_address             | fa:16:3e:4d:fa:33                                                                                                                                                                         |
| name                    | a_port                                                                                                                                                                                    |
| network_id              | 2d696f10-97a4-454c-a411-ea8d4d685636                                                                                                                                                      |
| numa_affinity_policy    | None                                                                                                                                                                                      |
| port_security_enabled   | True                                                                                                                                                                                      |
| project_id              | afc55714081b4ef29f99ec128cb1fa30                                                                                                                                                          |
| propagate_uplink_status | None                                                                                                                                                                                      |
| qos_network_policy_id   | None                                                                                                                                                                                      |
| qos_policy_id           | None                                                                                                                                                                                      |
| resource_request        | None                                                                                                                                                                                      |
| revision_number         | 1                                                                                                                                                                                         |
| security_group_ids      | 1a350403-cad3-4a2d-b30a-73815bd96e0f                                                                                                                                                      |
| status                  | DOWN                                                                                                                                                                                      |
| tags                    |                                                                                                                                                                                           |
| trunk_details           | None                                                                                                                                                                                      |
| updated_at              | 2022-01-19T09:15:34Z                                                                                                                                                                      |
$ openstack recordset list dns-domain-1.org.
| id                                   | name                     | type | records                                                               | status | action |
| 2b3e9ea4-8035-4595-955d-ec8c55816111 | dns-domain-1.org.        | SOA  | ns1.devstack.org. mlavalle.redhat.com. 1642583736 3517 600 86400 3600 | ACTIVE | NONE   |
| 801dd911-43e6-430a-a80b-ea09af76a9a4 | dns-domain-1.org.        | NS   | ns1.devstack.org.                                                     | ACTIVE | NONE   |
| 61597628-dafe-4aba-8e30-1d45b4e59874 | a-port.dns-domain-1.org. | AAAA | fd5e:7a6b:1a62::a3                                                    | ACTIVE | NONE   |
| 83fe489f-2ebc-4911-a67e-bef688833f31 | a-port.dns-domain-1.org. | A    |                                                        | ACTIVE | NONE   |

In this manner, the FQDN in the
dns_assignment attribute is compatible with what is being
published by the external DNS service.