
Taikun OCP Guide

Table of Contents

Generic approach for share provisioning

The Shared File Systems service can be configured to use Nova VMs and
Cinder volumes. Using this driver, Manila will use SSH to configure the
shares on the service virtual machine instance.

The following options may be specified in the manila.conf
configuration file:

# User in service instance that will be used for authentication.
# (string value)
#service_instance_user = <None>

# Password for service instance user. (string value)
#service_instance_password = <None>

# Path to host's private key. (string value)
#path_to_private_key = <None>

# Maximum time in seconds to wait for creating service instance.
# (integer value)
#max_time_to_build_instance = 300

# Block SSH connection to the service instance from other networks
# than service network. (boolean value)
#limit_ssh_access = false

Additionally, this driver supports both DHSS=False and
DHSS=True. Depending on which one you use, you need to
specify different configuration options in your manila.conf
configuration file.

  • With DHSS=False:
# Name or ID of service instance in Nova to use for share exports.
# Used only when share servers handling is disabled. (string value)
#service_instance_name_or_id = <None>

# Can be either name of network that is used by service instance
# within Nova to get IP address or IP address itself (either IPv4 or
# IPv6) for managing shares there. Used only when share servers
# handling is disabled. (host address value)
#service_net_name_or_ip = <None>

# Can be either name of network that is used by service instance
# within Nova to get IP address or IP address itself (either IPv4 or
# IPv6) for exporting shares. Used only when share servers handling is
# disabled. (host address value)
#tenant_net_name_or_ip = <None>
  • With DHSS=True:
# Name of image in Glance, that will be used for service instance
# creation. Only used if driver_handles_share_servers=True. (string
# value)
#service_image_name = manila-service-image

# Name of service instance. Only used if
# driver_handles_share_servers=True. (string value)
#service_instance_name_template = manila_service_instance_%s

# Keypair name that will be created and used for service instances.
# Only used if driver_handles_share_servers=True. (string value)
#manila_service_keypair_name = manila-service

# Path to hosts public key. Only used if
# driver_handles_share_servers=True. (string value)
#path_to_public_key = ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub

# Security group name, that will be used for service instance
# creation. Only used if driver_handles_share_servers=True. (string
# value)
#service_instance_security_group = manila-service

# ID of flavor, that will be used for service instance creation. Only
# used if driver_handles_share_servers=True. (string value)
#service_instance_flavor_id = 100

# Name of manila service network. Used only with Neutron. Only used if
# driver_handles_share_servers=True. (string value)
#service_network_name = manila_service_network

# CIDR of manila service network. Used only with Neutron and if
# driver_handles_share_servers=True. (string value)
#service_network_cidr =

# This mask is used for dividing service network into subnets, IP
# capacity of subnet with this mask directly defines possible amount
# of created service VMs per tenant's subnet. Used only with Neutron
# and if driver_handles_share_servers=True. (integer value)
#service_network_division_mask = 28

# Module path to the Virtual Interface (VIF) driver class. This option
# is used only by drivers operating in
# `driver_handles_share_servers=True` mode that provision OpenStack
# compute instances as share servers. This option is only supported
# with Neutron networking. Drivers provided in tree work with Linux
# Bridge (manila.network.linux.interface.BridgeInterfaceDriver) and
# OVS (manila.network.linux.interface.OVSInterfaceDriver). If the
# manila-share service is running on a host that is connected to the
# administrator network, a no-op driver
# (manila.network.linux.interface.NoopInterfaceDriver) may be used.
# (string value)
#interface_driver = manila.network.linux.interface.OVSInterfaceDriver

# Attach share server directly to share network. Used only with
# Neutron and if driver_handles_share_servers=True. (boolean value)
#connect_share_server_to_tenant_network = false

# ID of neutron network used to communicate with admin network, to
# create additional admin export locations on. (string value)
#admin_network_id = <None>

# ID of neutron subnet used to communicate with admin network, to
# create additional admin export locations on. Related to
# 'admin_network_id'. (string value)
#admin_subnet_id = <None>

Configuring the right options depends on the network layout of your
setup, see next section for more details.

Network configurations

If using DHSS=True, there are two possible network
configurations that can be chosen for share provisioning using this

  • Service VM has one NIC connected to a network that connects to a
    public router. This is, the service VM will be connected to a static
    administrative network created beforehand by an administrator. This
    approach is valid in ‘flat’ network topologies, where a single Neutron
    network is defined for all projects (no tenant networks).
  • Service VM has two NICs, first one connected to service network,
    second one connected directly to user’s network. This is, in a
    tenant-networks-enabled Neutron deployment, manila will create a
    dedicated network for the share.

Depending on the setup, specific configuration options are required
in the manila.conf file.

In particular, if you are using only a static administrative network,
you need the following:

driver_handles_share_servers = True
connect_share_server_to_tenant_network = True
admin_network_id = <value>
admin_subnet_id = <value>
# Module path to the Virtual Interface (VIF) driver class. This option
# is used only by drivers operating in
# `driver_handles_share_servers=True` mode that provision OpenStack
# compute instances as share servers. This option is only supported
# with Neutron networking. Drivers provided in tree work with Linux
# Bridge (manila.network.linux.interface.BridgeInterfaceDriver) and
# OVS (manila.network.linux.interface.OVSInterfaceDriver). If the
# manila-share service is running on a host that is connected to the
# administrator network, a no-op driver
# (manila.network.linux.interface.NoopInterfaceDriver) may be used.
# (string value)
interface_driver = manila.network.linux.interface.NoopInterfaceDriver

Requirements for service

  • Linux based distro
  • NFS server
  • Samba server >=3.2.0, that can be configured by data stored in
  • SSH server
  • Two net interfaces configured to DHCP (see network approaches)
  • ‘exportfs’ and ‘net conf’ libraries used for share actions
  • Following files will be used, so if their paths differ one needs to
    create at least symlinks for them:

    • /etc/exports (permanent file with NFS exports)
    • /var/lib/nfs/etab (temporary file with NFS exports used by
    • /etc/fstab (permanent file with mounted filesystems)
    • /etc/mtab (temporary file with mounted filesystems used by

Supported shared filesystems

  • NFS (access by IP)
  • CIFS (access by IP)

Known restrictions

  • One of Nova’s configurations only allows 26 shares per server. This
    limit comes from the maximum number of virtual PCI interfaces that are
    used for block device attaching. There are 28 virtual PCI interfaces, in
    this configuration, two of them are used for server needs and other 26
    are used for attaching block devices that are used for shares.
  • Juno version works only with Neutron. Each share should be created
    with neutron-net and neutron-subnet IDs provided via share-network
  • Juno version handles security group, flavor, image, keypair for Nova
    VM and also creates service networks, but does not use availability
    zones for Nova VMs and volume types for Cinder block devices.
  • Juno version does not use security services data provided with
    share-network. These data will be just ignored.
  • Liberty version adds a share extend capability. Share access will be
    briefly interrupted during an extend operation.
  • Liberty version adds a share shrink capability, but this capability
    is not effective because generic driver shrinks only filesystem size and
    doesn’t shrink the size of Cinder volume.
  • Modifying network-related configuration options, such as
    service_network_cidr or
    service_network_division_mask, after manila has already
    created some shares using those options is not supported.

Using Windows instances

While the generic driver only supports Linux instances, you may use
the Windows SMB driver when Windows VMs are preferred.

For more details, please check out the following page: windows_smb_driver.

The manila.share.drivers.generic


The manila.share.drivers.service_instance Module
