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Taikun OCP Guide

Table of Contents

Manage projects and users

OpenStack administrators can create projects, and create accounts for
new users using the OpenStack Dasboard. Projects own specific resources
in your OpenStack environment. You can associate users with roles,
projects, or both.

Add a new project

  1. Log into the OpenStack Dashboard as the Admin user.
  2. Click on the Identity label on the left column, and click
  3. Select the Create Project push button. The Create Project window
    will open.
  4. Enter the Project name and description. Leave the Domain ID field set at
  5. Click Create Project.


Your new project will appear in the list of projects displayed under
the Projects page
of the dashboard. Projects are listed in alphabetical order, and you can
check on the Project ID, Domain name,
and status of the project in this section.

Delete a project

  1. Log into the OpenStack Dashboard as the Admin user.
  2. Click on the Identity label on the left column, and click
  3. Select the checkbox to the left of the project you would like to
  4. Click on the Delete Projects push button.

Update a project

  1. Log into the OpenStack Dashboard as the Admin user.
  2. Click on the Identity label on the left column, and click
  3. Locate the project you wish to update, and under the Actions column click on
    the drop down arrow next to the Manage Members push button. The Update Project window
    will open.
  4. Update the name of the project, enable the project, or disable the
    project as needed.

Add a new user

  1. Log into the OpenStack Dashboard as the Admin user.
  2. Click on the Identity label on the left column, and click
  3. Click Create User.
  4. Enter a Domain Name, the Username, and a password for the new user. Enter an email for the
    new user, and specify which Primary Project they belong to. Leave the Domain ID field set at
    default. You can also enter a decription for the new user.
  5. Click the Create User push button.


The new user will then appear in the list of projects displayed under
the Users page of
the dashboard. You can check on the User Name,
User ID, Domain name, and the User
status in this section.

Delete a new user

  1. Log into the OpenStack Dashboard as the Admin user.
  2. Click on the Identity label on the left column, and click
  3. Select the checkbox to the left of the user you would like to
  4. Click on the Delete Users push button.

Update a user

  1. Log into the OpenStack Dashboard as the Admin user.
  2. Click on the Identity label on the left column, and click
  3. Locate the User you would like to update, and select the Edit push button under
    the Actions
  4. Adjust the Domain Name, User Name, Description, Email, and Primary Project.

Enable or disable a user

  1. Log into the OpenStack Dashboard as the Admin user.
  2. Click on the Identity label on the left column, and click
  3. Locate the User you would like to update, and select the arrow to
    the right of the Edit push button. This will open a drop down
  4. Select Disable User.


To reactivate a disabled user, select Enable User under the drop down menu.