
Taikun OCP Guide

Table of Contents

Metadata service


This section provides deployment information about the metadata
service. For end-user information about the metadata service and
instance metadata in general, refer to the user guide <metadata-service>.

The metadata service provides a way for instances to retrieve
instance-specific data. Instances access the metadata service at The metadata service supports two
sets of APIs – an OpenStack metadata API and an EC2-compatible API – and
also exposes vendordata and user data. Both the OpenStack metadata and
EC2-compatible APIs are versioned by date.

The metadata service can be run globally, as part of the nova-api application, or
on a per-cell basis, as part of the standalone nova-api-metadata
application. A detailed comparison is provided in the cells V2 guide <cells-v2-layout-metadata-api>.


The ability to run the nova metadata API service on a per-cell basis
was added in Stein. For versions prior to this release, you should not
use the standalone nova-api-metadata application for multiple

Guests access the service at or at


Starting with the Victoria release the metadata service is accessible
over IPv6 at the link-local address fe80::a9fe:a9fe.

The networking service, neutron, is responsible for intercepting
these requests and adding HTTP headers which uniquely identify the
source of the request before forwarding it to the metadata API server.
For the Open vSwitch and Linux Bridge backends provided with neutron,
the flow looks something like so:

  1. Instance sends a HTTP request for metadata to
  2. This request either hits the router or DHCP namespace depending on
    the route in the instance
  3. The metadata proxy service in the namespace adds the following info
    to the request:

    • Instance IP (X-Forwarded-For header)
    • Router or Network-ID (X-Neutron-Network-Id or
      X-Neutron-Router-Id header)
  4. The metadata proxy service sends this request to the metadata agent
    (outside the namespace) via a UNIX domain socket.
  5. The neutron-metadata-agent application forwards the
    request to the nova metadata API service by adding some new headers
    (instance ID and Tenant ID) to the request.

This flow may vary if a different networking backend is used.

Neutron and nova must be configured to communicate together with a
shared secret. Neutron uses this secret to sign the Instance-ID header
of the metadata request to prevent spoofing. This secret is configured
through the neutron.metadata_proxy_shared_secret
config option in nova and the equivalent
metadata_proxy_shared_secret config option in neutron.


The nova-api
application accepts the following metadata service-related options:

  • enabled_apis
  • enabled_ssl_apis
  • neutron.service_metadata_proxy
  • neutron.metadata_proxy_shared_secret
  • api.metadata_cache_expiration
  • api.use_forwarded_for
  • api.local_metadata_per_cell
  • api.dhcp_domain


This list excludes configuration options related to the vendordata
feature. Refer to vendordata feature documentation </admin/vendordata>
for information on configuring this.

For example, to configure the nova-api application to serve the metadata API,
without SSL, using the StaticJSON vendordata provider, add
the following to a nova-api.conf file:

enabled_apis = osapi_compute,metadata
enabled_ssl_apis =
metadata_listen =
metadata_listen_port = 0
metadata_workers = 4

service_metadata_proxy = True

dhcp_domain =
metadata_cache_expiration = 15
use_forwarded_for = False
local_metadata_per_cell = False
vendordata_providers = StaticJSON
vendordata_jsonfile_path = /etc/nova/vendor_data.json


This does not include configuration options that are not
metadata-specific but are nonetheless required, such as api.auth_strategy.

Configuring the application to use the DynamicJSON
vendordata provider is more involved and is not covered here.

The nova-api-metadata application accepts almost the
same options:

  • neutron.service_metadata_proxy
  • neutron.metadata_proxy_shared_secret
  • api.metadata_cache_expiration
  • api.use_forwarded_for
  • api.local_metadata_per_cell
  • api.dhcp_domain


This list excludes configuration options related to the vendordata
feature. Refer to vendordata feature documentation </admin/vendordata>
for information on configuring this.

For example, to configure the nova-api-metadata application to serve the
metadata API, without SSL, add the following to a nova-api.conf file:

metadata_listen =
metadata_listen_port = 0
metadata_workers = 4

service_metadata_proxy = True

dhcp_domain =
metadata_cache_expiration = 15
use_forwarded_for = False
local_metadata_per_cell = False


This does not include configuration options that are not
metadata-specific but are nonetheless required, such as api.auth_strategy.

For information about configuring the neutron side of the metadata
service, refer to the neutron configuration guide

Config drives

Config drives are special drives that are attached to an instance
when it boots. The instance can mount this drive and read files from it
to get information that is normally available through the metadata
service. For more information, refer to /admin/config-drive and the user guide <metadata-config-drive>.


Vendordata provides a way to pass vendor or deployment-specific
information to instances. For more information, refer to /admin/vendordata and the
user guide <metadata-vendordata>.

User data

User data is a blob of data that the user can specify when they
launch an instance. For more information, refer to the user guide