NexentaStor5 Driver for OpenStack Manila
The NexentaStor5 Manila driver
provides NFS shared file systems to OpenStack.
- The NexentaStor 5.1 or newer
Supported shared
filesystems and operations
This driver supports NFS shares.
The following operations are supported:
- Create NFS Share
- Delete NFS Share
- Allow NFS Share access
- Only IP access type is supported for NFS (ro/rw).
- Deny NFS Share access
- Manage a share.
- Unmanage a share.
- Extend a share.
- Shrink a share.
- Create snapshot
- Revert to snapshot
- Delete snapshot
- Create share from snapshot
Backend Configuration
The following parameters need to be configured in the manila
configuration file for the NexentaStor5 driver:
- share_backend_name = <backend name
to enable> - share_driver =
manila.share.drivers.nexenta.ns5.nexenta_nas.NexentaNasDriver - driver_handles_share_servers =
False - nexenta_nas_host = <Data address
to NAS shares> - nexenta_user = <username for
management operations> - nexenta_password = <password for
management operations> - nexenta_pool = <Pool name where
NAS shares are created> - nexenta_rest_addresses =
<Management address for Rest API access> - nexenta_folder = <Parent
filesystem where all Manila shares are kept> - nexenta_nfs = True
Share Types
When creating a share, a share type can be specified to determine
where and how the share will be created. If a share type is not
specified, the default_share_type set in
the manila configuration file is used.
Manila requires that the share type includes the driver_handles_share_servers extra-spec. This
ensures that the share will be created on a backend that supports the
requested driver_handles_share_servers (share networks) capability. For
the NexentaStor driver, this extra-spec’s value must be set to
- Only IP share access control is allowed for NFS shares.
Back-end configuration
enabled_share_backends = NexentaStor5
share_backend_name = NexentaStor5
driver_handles_share_servers = False
nexenta_folder = manila
share_driver = manila.share.drivers.nexenta.ns5.nexenta_nas.NexentaNasDriver
nexenta_rest_addresses =,
nexenta_nas_host =
nexenta_rest_port = 8443
nexenta_pool = pool1
nexenta_nfs = True
nexenta_user = admin
nexenta_password = secret_password
nexenta_thin_provisioning = True