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Pure Storage FlashBlade Driver for OpenStack

The Pure Storage FlashBlade Manila driver provides NFS shared file
systems to OpenStack using Pure Storage’s FlashBlade native filesystem

Supported Operations

The following operations are supported with Pure Storage

  • Create/delete NFS shares
    • Shares are not accessible until access rules allow access
  • Allow/deny NFS share access
    • IP access rules are required for NFS share access
  • Create/delete snapshots
  • Expand and Shrink shares
  • Revert to Snapshot

Share networks are not supported. Shares are created directly on the
FlashBlade without the use of a share server or service VM. Network
connectivity is setup outside of Manila.

General Requirements

On the system running the Manila share service:

  • purity_fb 1.12.1 or newer from PyPI.

On the Pure Storage FlashBlade:

  • Purity//FB Operating System software version 2.3.0 or higher

Network Requirements

Connectivity between the FlashBlade (REST) and the manila host is
required for share management.

Connectivity between the clients and the FlashBlade is required for
mounting and using the shares. This includes:

  • Routing from the client to the external network
  • Assigning the client an external IP address (e.g., a floating
  • Configuring the manila host networking properly for IP
  • Configuring the FlashBlade networking properly for client

Driver Configuration

Before configuring the driver, make sure the following networking
requirements have been met:

  • A management subnet must be accessible from the system running the
    Manila share services
  • A data subnet must be accessible from the system running the Nova
    compute services
  • An API token must be available for a user with administrative

Perform the following steps:

  1. Configure the Pure Storage FlashBlade parameters in manila.conf
  2. Configure/create a share type
  3. Restart the services

It is also assumed that the OpenStack networking has been confiured

Step 1 –
FlashBlade Parameters configuration

The following parameters need to be configured in the [DEFAULT]
section of `/etc/manila/manila.conf`:



enabled_share_backends Name of the section on manila.conf used to specify a
backend. For example: enabled_share_backends = flashblade
enabled_share_protocols Specify a list of protocols to be allowed for share creation. This
driver version only supports NFS

The following parameters need to be configured in the [backend]
section of /etc/manila/manila.conf:



share_backend_name A name for the backend.
share_driver Python module path. For this driver this must be:
driver_handles_share_servers Driver working mode. For this driver this must be:
flashblade_mgmt_vip The name (or IP address) for the Pure Storage FlashBlade storage
system management VIP.
flashblade_data_vip The name (or IP address) for the Pure Storage FlashBlade storage
system data VIP.
flashblade_api API token for an administrative user account
flashblade_eradicate (Optional) When enabled, all FlashBlade file systems and snapshots will be
eradicated at the time of deletion in Manila. Data will NOT be
recoverable after a delete with this set to True! When disabled, file
systems and snapshots will go into pending eradication state and can be
recovered. Default value is True.

Below is an example of a valid configuration of the FlashBlade

enabled_share_backends = flashblade
enabled_share_protocols = NFS

share_backend_name = flashblade
share_driver = manila.share.drivers.purestorage.flashblade.FlashBladeShareDriver
driver_handles_share_servers = False
flashblade_mgmt_vip =
flashblade_data_vip =
flashblade_api = T-xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx

Restart of manila-share service is needed for the configuration
changes to take effect.

Step 2 – Share Type

Shared File Systems service requires that the share type includes the
driver_handles_share_servers extra-spec. This ensures that the share
will be created on a backend that supports the requested
driver_handles_share_servers capability. For the Pure Storage FlashBlade
Driver for OpenStack this must be set to False.

$ manila type-create flashblade False

Additionally, the driver also reports the following common
capabilities that can be specified in the share type:



thin_provisioning = True All shares created on FlashBlade are always thin provisioned. If you
set it this, the value must be: True.
snapshot_support = True/False FlashBlade supports share snapshots. If you set this, the value
must be: True.
revert_to_snapshot = True/False FlashBlade supports reverting a share to the latest available
snapshot. If you set this, the value must be:

To specify a common capability on the share type, use the
type-key command, for example:

$ manila type-key flashblade set snapshot_support=True
$ manila type-key flashblade set revert_to_snapshot=True

Step 3 – Restart the

Restart all Shared File Systems services (manila-share,
manila-scheduler and manila-api). This step is specific to your
environment. for example, systemctl restart
is used to restart the share

