
Taikun OCP Guide

Table of Contents

Quality of Service (QoS): Guaranteed Minimum Packet

Similarly to how bandwidth can be a limiting factor of a network
interface, packet processing capacity tend to be a limiting factor of
the soft switching solutions like OVS. At the same time certain
applications are dependent on not just guaranteed bandwidth, but also on
guaranteed packet rate to function properly. OpenStack already supports
bandwidth guarantees via the minimum bandwidth QoS policy rules, which
is described in detail in Quality of Service (QoS): Guaranteed Minimum Bandwidth
. It’s recommended to read Guaranteed
Minimum Bandwidth guide first, but it’s not strictly required.

Just like Quality of Service (QoS): Guaranteed Minimum Bandwidth
guide, this chapter does not aim to
replace Nova or Placement documentation in any way, but gives a brief
overview of the feature and explains how it can be configured.

In a similar way to guaranteed bandwidth, we can distinguish two
levels of enforcement for guaranteeing packet processing capacity

  • placement: Avoiding over-subscription when placing (scheduling) VMs
    and their ports.
  • data plane: Enforcing the guarantee on the soft switch


At the time of writing this guide, only placement enforcement is
supported. For detailed list of supported enforcement types and
backends, please refer to QoS configuration chapter of the Networking Guide <config-qos>.

The solution needs to differentiate between two different deployment

  1. The packet processing functionality is implemented on the compute
    host CPUs and therefore packets processed from both ingress and egress
    directions are handled by the same set of CPU cores. This is the case in
    the non-hardware-offloaded OVS deployments. In this scenario OVS
    represents a single packet processing resource pool, which is
    represented with a single resource class called
  2. The packet processing functionality is implemented in a specialized
    hardware where the incoming and outgoing packets are handled by
    independent hardware resources. This is the case for hardware-offloaded
    OVS. In this scenario a single OVS has two independent resource pools
    one for the incoming packets and one for the outgoing packets. Therefore
    these needs to be represented with two different resource classes


Since Guaranteed Minimum Packet Rate and Guaranteed Minimum Bandwidth
features have a lot in common, they also share certain limitations.

  • A pre-created port with a minimum-packet-rate rule must
    be passed when booting a server (openstack server create).
    Passing a network with a minimum-packet-rate rule at boot is not
    supported because of technical reasons (in this case the port is created
    too late for Neutron to affect scheduling).
  • Changing the guarantee of a QoS policy (adding/deleting a
    minimum_packet_rate rule, or changing the
    min_kpps field of a minimum_packet_rate rule)
    is only possible while the policy is not in effect. That is ports of the
    QoS policy are not yet bound by Nova. Requests to change guarantees of
    in-use policies are rejected.
  • Changing the QoS policy of the port with new
    minimum_packet_rate rules changes placement
    allocations from Yoga release. If the VM was booted with
    port without QoS policy and minimum_packet_rate rules the
    port update succeeds but placement allocations will not change. The same
    is true if the port had no allocation record in Placement before QoS
    policy update. But if the VM was booted with a port with QoS policy and
    minimum_packet_rate rules the update is possible and the
    allocations are changed in placement as well.


As it is possible to update a port to remove the QoS policy, updating
it back to have QoS policy with minimum_packet_rate rule
will not result in placement allocation record. In this
case only dataplane enforcement will happen.


Updating the minimum_packet_rate rule of a QoS policy
that is attached to a port which is bound to a VM is still not

  • When QoS is used with a trunk, Placement enforcement is applied only
    to the trunk’s parent port. Subports are not going to have Placement
    allocation. As a workaround, parent port QoS policy should take into
    account subports needs and request enough minimum packet rate resources
    to accommodate every port in the trunk.

Placement pre-requisites

Placement must support microversion
. This was first released in Train.

Nova pre-requisites

Nova must support top of microversion
, additionally the Nova Xena release is needed to support the
new port-resource-request-groups Neutron API extension.

Not all Nova virt drivers are supported, please refer to the Virt
Driver Support section of the Nova Admin Guide

Neutron pre-requisites

Neutron must support the following API extensions:

  • qos-pps-minimum
  • port-resource-request-groups

These were all first released in Yoga.

Neutron DB sanitization

The resource_request field of the Neutron port is used
to express the resource needs of the port. The information in this field
is calculated from the QoS policy rules attached to the port. Initially,
only the minimum bandwidth rule was used as a source of requested
resources. The format of resource_request looked like

    "required": [<CUSTOM_PHYSNET_ traits>, <CUSTOM_VNIC_TYPE traits>],
        <NET_BW_[E|I]GR_KILOBIT_PER_SEC resource class name>:
            <requested bandwidth amount from the QoS policy>

This structure allowed to describe only one group of resources and
traits, which was sufficient at the time. However, with the introduction
of QoS minimum packet rate rule, ports can now have multiple sources of
requested resources and traits. Because of that, the format of
resource_request field was incapable of expressing such
request and it had to be changed.

To solve this issue, port-resource-request-groups
extension was added in Neutron Yoga release. It provides support for the
new format of resource_request field, that allows to
request multiple groups of resources and traits from the same RP
subtree. The new format looks like this:

            "id": <min-pps-group-uuid>
            "required": [<CUSTOM_VNIC_TYPE traits>],
                    <amount requested via the QoS policy>
            "id": <min-bw-group-uuid>
            "required": [<CUSTOM_PHYSNET_ traits>,
                         <CUSTOM_VNIC_TYPE traits>],
                <NET_BW_[E|I]GR_KILOBIT_PER_SEC resource class name>:
                    <requested bandwidth amount from the QoS policy>

The main drawback about the new structure of
resource_request field is lack of backwards compatibility.
This can cause issues if ml2_port_bindings table in Neutron
DB contains port bindings that were created before the introduction of
port-resource-request-groups extension. Because
port-resource-request-groups extension is enabled by
default in Yoga release, it’s necessary to perform DB sanitization
before upgrading Neutron to Yoga.

DB sanitization will ensure that every row of
ml2_port_bindings table uses the new format. Upgrade check
can be run before DB sanitization, to see if there are any rows in the
DB that require sanitization.

$ neutron-status upgrade check
# If 'Port Binding profile sanity check' fails, DB sanitization is needed
$ neutron-sanitize-port-binding-profile-allocation --config-file /etc/neutron/neutron.conf

Supported drivers and agents

In release Yoga the following agent-based ML2 mechanism drivers are

  • Open vSwitch (openvswitch) vnic_types:
    normal, direct

neutron-server config

QoS minimum packet rate rule requires exactly the same configuration
in the neutron-server as QoS minimum bandwidth rule. Please
refer to neutron-server config section of Quality of Service (QoS): Guaranteed Minimum Bandwidth guide
for more details.


Set the agent configuration as the authentic source of the resources
available. Depending on OVS deployment type, packet processing capacity
can be configured with:

  • ovs.resource_provider_packet_processing_without_direction
    Format for this option is
    <hypervisor>:<packet_rate>. This option should
    be used for non-hardware-offloaded OVS deployments.
  • ovs.resource_provider_packet_processing_with_direction
    Format for this option is
    You may set only one direction and omit the other. This option should be
    used for hardware-offloaded OVS deployments.

Regardless if direction-less or direction-oriented packet processing
mode is used, configuration is always applied to the whole OVS


egress / ingress is meant from the VM point
of view. That is egress = cloud server upload,
ingress = download.

Egress and ingress available packet rate values are in
kilo packet/sec (kpps).

Direction-less and direction-oriented modes are mutually exclusive
options. Only one can be used at a time.

The hypervisor name is optional, and needs to be set only in the rare
case cases. For more information, please refer to Neutron agent

If desired, resource provider inventory fields can be tweaked on a
per-agent basis by setting ovs.resource_provider_packet_processing_inventory_defaults.
Valid values are all the optional
parameters of the update resource provider inventory call

/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ovs_agent.ini (on compute and
network nodes):

resource_provider_packet_processing_with_direction = :10000000:10000000,...
#resource_provider_packet_processing_inventory_defaults = step_size:1000,...

Propagation of resource

Propagation of resource information is explained in detail in Quality of Service (QoS): Guaranteed Minimum Bandwidth guide

Sample usage

Network and QoS policies (together with their rules) are usually
pre-created by a cloud admin:

# as admin

$ openstack network create net0

$ openstack subnet create subnet0 \
    --network net0 \

$ openstack network qos policy create policy0

$ openstack network qos rule create policy0 \
    --type minimum-packet-rate \
    --min-kpps 1000000 \

$ openstack network qos rule create policy0 \
    --type minimum-packet-rate \
    --min-kpps 1000000 \

Then a normal user can use the pre-created policy to create ports and
boot servers with those ports:

# as an unprivileged user

# an ordinary soft-switched port: ``--vnic-type normal`` is the default
$ openstack port create port-normal-qos \
    --network net0 \
    --qos-policy policy0

$ openstack server create server0 \
    --os-compute-api-version 2.72 \
    --flavor cirros256 \
    --image cirros-0.5.2-x86_64-disk \
    --port port-normal-qos

On Healing of Allocations

Since Placement carries a global view of a cloud deployment’s
resources (what is available, what is used) it may in some conditions
get out of sync with reality.

One important case stems from OpenStack not having distributed
transactions to allocate resources provided by multiple OpenStack
components (here Nova and Neutron). There are known race conditions in
which Placement’s view may get out of sync with reality. The design
knowingly minimizes the race condition windows, but there are known

  • If a QoS policy is modified after Nova read a port’s
    resource_request but before the port is bound its state
    before the modification will be applied.
  • If a bound port with a resource allocation is deleted. The port’s
    allocation is leaked. https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1820588


Deleting a bound port has no known use case. Please consider
detaching the interface first by
openstack server remove port instead.

Incorrect allocations may be fixed by:


  • Is Nova running at least Xena release and Neutron at least the Yoga
  • Are qos-pps-minimum and
    port-resource-request-groups extensions available?
$ openstack extension show qos-pps-minimum
$ openstack extension show port-resource-request-groups
  • Is the placement service plugin enabled in
  • Is resource_provider_packet_processing_with_direction
    or resource_provider_packet_processing_without_direction
    configured for the relevant neutron agent?
  • Was the agent restarted since changing the configuration file?
  • Is resource_provider_packet_processing_with_direction
    or resource_provider_packet_processing_without_direction
    reaching neutron-server?
# as admin
$ openstack network agent show ... -c configuration -f json

Please find an example in section Propagation of resource

  • Did neutron-server successfully sync to Placement?
# as admin
$ openstack network agent show ... | grep resources_synced

Please find an example in section Propagation of resource

  • Is the resource provider tree correct? Is the root a compute host?
    One level below the agents?
$ openstack --os-placement-api-version 1.17 resource provider list
| uuid                                 | name                                     | generation | root_provider_uuid                   | parent_provider_uuid                 |
| 3b36d91e-bf60-460f-b1f8-3322dee5cdfd | devstack0                                |          2 | 3b36d91e-bf60-460f-b1f8-3322dee5cdfd | None                                 |
| 89ca1421-5117-5348-acab-6d0e2054239c | devstack0:Open vSwitch agent             |          0 | 3b36d91e-bf60-460f-b1f8-3322dee5cdfd | 3b36d91e-bf60-460f-b1f8-3322dee5cdfd |
  • Does Placement have the expected traits?
# as admin
$ openstack --os-placement-api-version 1.17 trait list | awk '/CUSTOM_/ { print $2 }' | sort
  • Do the OVS agent resource provider have the proper trait
    associations and inventories?
# as admin
$ openstack --os-placement-api-version 1.17 resource provider trait list <RP-UUID>
$ openstack --os-placement-api-version 1.17 resource provider inventory list <RP-UUID>
  • Does the QoS policy have a minimum-packet-rate
  • Does the port have the proper policy?
  • Does the port have a resource_request?
# as admin
$ openstack port show port-normal-qos | grep resource_request
  • Was the server booted with a port (as opposed to a network)?
  • Did nova allocate resources for the server in Placement?
# as admin
$ openstack --os-placement-api-version 1.17 resource provider allocation show <SERVER-UUID>
  • Does the allocation have a part on the expected OVS agent resource
# as admin
$ openstack --os-placement-api-version 1.17 resource provider show --allocations <RP-UUID>
  • Did placement manage to produce an allocation candidate list to nova
    during scheduling?
  • Did nova manage to schedule the server?
  • Did nova tell neutron which OVS agent resource provider was
    allocated to satisfy the packet rate request?
# as admin
$ openstack port show port-normal-qos | grep binding.profile.*allocation
  • Did neutron manage to bind the port?
