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Troubleshooting Ironic

Nova returns “No
valid host was found” Error

Sometimes Nova Conductor log file “nova-conductor.log” or a message
returned from Nova API contains the following error:

NoValidHost: No valid host was found. There are not enough hosts available.

“No valid host was found” means that the Nova Scheduler could not
find a bare metal node suitable for booting the new instance.

This in turn usually means some mismatch between resources that Nova
expects to find and resources that Ironic advertised to Nova.

A few things should be checked in this case:

  1. Make sure that enough nodes are in available state,
    not in maintenance mode and not already used by an existing instance.
    Check with the following command:

    baremetal node list --provision-state available --no-maintenance --unassociated

    If this command does not show enough nodes, use generic
    baremetal node list to check other nodes. For example,
    nodes in manageable state should be made available:

    baremetal node provide <IRONIC NODE>

    The Bare metal service automatically puts a node in maintenance mode
    if there are issues with accessing its management interface. See power-fault for details.

    The node validate command can be used to verify that all
    required fields are present. The following command should not return

    baremetal node validate <IRONIC NODE> | grep -E '(power|management)\W*False'

    Maintenance mode will be also set on a node if automated cleaning has
    failed for it previously.

  2. Make sure that you have Compute services running and enabled:

    $ openstack compute service list --service nova-compute
    | ID | Binary       | Host        | Zone | Status  | State | Updated At                 |
    |  7 | nova-compute | example.com | nova | enabled | up    | 2017-09-04T13:14:03.000000 |

    By default, a Compute service is disabled after 10 consecutive build
    failures on it. This is to ensure that new build requests are not routed
    to a broken Compute service. If it is the case, make sure to fix the
    source of the failures, then re-enable it:

    openstack compute service set --enable <COMPUTE HOST> nova-compute
  3. Starting with the Pike release, check that all your nodes have
    the resource_class field set using the following

    baremetal node list --fields uuid name resource_class

    Then check that the flavor(s) are configured to request these
    resource classes via their properties:

    openstack flavor show <FLAVOR NAME> -f value -c properties

    For example, if your node has resource class
    baremetal-large, it will be matched by a flavor with
    property resources:CUSTOM_BAREMETAL_LARGE set to
    1. See /install/configure-nova-flavors for more details on
    the correct configuration.

  4. Upon scheduling, Nova will query the Placement API service for
    the available resource providers (in the case of Ironic: nodes with a
    given resource class). If placement does not have any allocation
    candidates for the requested resource class, the request will result in
    a “No valid host was found” error. It is hence sensible to check if
    Placement is aware of resource providers (nodes) for the requested
    resource class with:

    $ openstack allocation candidate list --resource CUSTOM_BAREMETAL_LARGE='1'
    | # | allocation                  | resource provider                    | inventory used/capacity       |
    | 1 | CUSTOM_BAREMETAL_LARGE=1    | 2f7b9c69-c1df-4e40-b94e-5821a4ea0453 | CUSTOM_BAREMETAL_LARGE=0/1    |

    For Ironic, the resource provider is the UUID of the available Ironic
    node. If this command returns an empty list (or does not contain the
    targeted resource provider), the operator needs to understand first, why
    the resource tracker has not reported this provider to placement.
    Potential explanations include:

    • the resource tracker cycle has not finished yet and the resource
      provider will appear once it has (the time to finish the cycle scales
      linearly with the number of nodes the corresponding
      nova-compute service manages);
    • the node is in a state where the resource tracker does not consider
      it to be eligible for scheduling, e.g. when the node has
      maintenance set to True; make sure the target
      nodes are in available and maintenance is
  5. If you do not use scheduling based on resource classes, then the
    node’s properties must have been set either manually or via inspection.
    For each node with available state check that the
    properties JSON field has valid values for the keys
    cpus, cpu_arch, memory_mb and
    local_gb. Example of valid properties:

    $ baremetal node show <IRONIC NODE> --fields properties
    | Property   | Value                                                                              |
    | properties | {u'memory_mb': u'8192', u'cpu_arch': u'x86_64', u'local_gb': u'41', u'cpus': u'4'} |


    If you’re using exact match filters in the Nova Scheduler, make sure
    the flavor and the node properties match exactly.

  6. The Nova flavor that you are using does not match any properties
    of the available Ironic nodes. Use :

    openstack flavor show <FLAVOR NAME>

    to compare. The extra specs in your flavor starting with
    capability: should match ones in


    The format of capabilities is different in Nova and Ironic. E.g. in
    Nova flavor:

    $ openstack flavor show <FLAVOR NAME> -c properties
    Field Value
    properties capabilities:boot_mode=’uefi’

    But in Ironic node:

    $ baremetal node show <IRONIC NODE> --fields properties
    Property Value
    properties {u’capabilities’: u’boot_mode:uefi’}
  7. After making changes to nodes in Ironic, it takes time for those
    changes to propagate from Ironic to Nova. Check that :

    openstack hypervisor stats show

    correctly shows total amount of resources in your system. You can
    also check openstack hypervisor show <IRONIC NODE> to
    see the status of individual Ironic nodes as reported to Nova.

  8. Figure out which Nova Scheduler filter ruled out your nodes.
    Check the nova-scheduler logs for lines containing
    something like:

    Filter ComputeCapabilitiesFilter returned 0 hosts

    The name of the filter that removed the last hosts may give some
    hints on what exactly was not matched. See Nova filters documentation <filter_scheduler.html>
    for more details.

  9. If none of the above helped, check Ironic conductor log carefully
    to see if there are any conductor-related errors which are the root
    cause for “No valid host was found”. If there are any “Error in deploy
    of node <IRONIC-NODE-UUID>: [Errno 28] …” error messages in
    Ironic conductor log, it means the conductor run into a special error
    during deployment. So you can check the log carefully to fix or work
    around and then try again.

Patching the Deploy Ramdisk

When debugging a problem with deployment and/or inspection you may
want to quickly apply a change to the ramdisk to see if it helps. Of
course you can inject your code and/or SSH keys during the ramdisk build
(depends on how exactly you’ve built your ramdisk). But it’s also
possible to quickly modify an already built ramdisk.

Create an empty directory and unpack the ramdisk content there:

$ mkdir unpack
$ cd unpack
$ gzip -dc /path/to/the/ramdisk | cpio -id

The last command will result in the whole Linux file system tree
unpacked in the current directory. Now you can modify any files you
want. The actual location of the files will depend on the way you’ve
built the ramdisk.


On a systemd-based system you can use the systemd-nspawn
tool (from the systemd-container package) to create a
lightweight container from the unpacked filesystem tree:

$ sudo systemd-nspawn --directory /path/to/unpacked/ramdisk/ /bin/bash

This will allow you to run commands within the filesystem, e.g. use
package manager. If the ramdisk is also systemd-based, and you have
login credentials set up, you can even boot a real ramdisk enviroment

$ sudo systemd-nspawn --directory /path/to/unpacked/ramdisk/ --boot

After you’ve done the modifications, pack the whole content of the
current directory back:

$ find . | cpio -H newc -o | gzip -c > /path/to/the/new/ramdisk


You don’t need to modify the kernel (e.g.
tinyipa-master.vmlinuz), only the ramdisk part.

API Errors

The debug_tracebacks_in_api config
option may be set to return tracebacks in the API response for all 4xx
and 5xx errors.

Retrieving logs from the deploy

When troubleshooting deployments (specially in case of a deploy
failure) it’s important to have access to the deploy ramdisk logs to be
able to identify the source of the problem. By default, Ironic will
retrieve the logs from the deploy ramdisk when the deployment fails and
save it on the local filesystem at

To change this behavior, operators can make the following changes to
/etc/ironic/ironic.conf under the [agent]

  • deploy_logs_collect: Whether Ironic should collect the
    deployment logs on deployment. Valid values for this option are:

    • on_failure (default): Retrieve the
      deployment logs upon a deployment failure.
    • always: Always retrieve the deployment logs, even if
      the deployment succeed.
    • never: Disable retrieving the deployment logs.
  • deploy_logs_storage_backend: The name of the storage
    backend where the logs will be stored. Valid values for this option are:

    • local (default): Store the logs in the
      local filesystem.
    • swift: Store the logs in Swift.
  • deploy_logs_local_path: The path to the directory where
    the logs should be stored, used when the
    deploy_logs_storage_backend is configured to
    local. By default logs will be stored at
  • deploy_logs_swift_container: The name of the Swift
    container to store the logs, used when the deploy_logs_storage_backend
    is configured to “swift”. By default
  • deploy_logs_swift_days_to_expire: Number of days before
    a log object is marked as expired in Swift. If None, the logs will be
    kept forever or until manually deleted. Used when the
    deploy_logs_storage_backend is configured to “swift”. By default
    30 days.

When the logs are collected, Ironic will store a tar.gz file
containing all the logs according to the
deploy_logs_storage_backend configuration option. All log
objects will be named with the following pattern:

<node>[_<instance-uuid>]_<timestamp yyyy-mm-dd-hh:mm:ss>.tar.gz


The instance_uuid field is not required for deploying a node
when Ironic is configured to be used in standalone mode. If present it
will be appended to the name.

Accessing the log data

When storing in the local

When storing the logs in the local filesystem, the log files can be
found at the path configured in the deploy_logs_local_path
configuration option. For example, to find the logs from the node

$ ls /var/log/ironic/deploy | grep 5e9258c4-cfda-40b6-86e2-e192f523d668


When saving the logs to the filesystem, operators may want to enable
some form of rotation for the logs to avoid disk space problems.

When storing in Swift

When using Swift, operators can associate the objects in the
container with the nodes in Ironic and search for the logs for the node
5e9258c4-cfda-40b6-86e2-e192f523d668 using the
prefix parameter. For example:

$ swift list ironic_deploy_logs_container -p 5e9258c4-cfda-40b6-86e2-e192f523d668

To download a specific log from Swift, do:

$ swift download ironic_deploy_logs_container "5e9258c4-cfda-40b6-86e2-e192f523d668_db87f2c5-7a9a-48c2-9a76-604287257c1b_2016-08-08-14:07:25.tar.gz"
5e9258c4-cfda-40b6-86e2-e192f523d668_db87f2c5-7a9a-48c2-9a76-604287257c1b_2016-08-08-14:07:25.tar.gz [auth 0.341s, headers 0.391s, total 0.391s, 0.531 MB/s]

The contents of the log file

The log is just a .tar.gz file that can be extracted

$ tar xvf <file path>

The contents of the file may differ slightly depending on the
distribution that the deploy ramdisk is using:

  • For distributions using systemd there will be a file
    called journal which contains all the system logs
    collected via the journalctl command.
  • For other distributions, the ramdisk will collect all the contents
    of the /var/log directory.

For all distributions, the log file will also contain the output of
the following commands (if present): ps, df,
ip addr and iptables.

Here’s one example when extracting the content of a log file for a
distribution that uses systemd:

$ tar xvf 5e9258c4-cfda-40b6-86e2-e192f523d668_88595d8a-6725-4471-8cd5-c0f3106b6898_2016-08-08-13:52:12.tar.gz

DHCP during PXE or iPXE is inconsistent or

This can be caused by the spanning tree protocol delay on some
switches. The delay prevents the switch port moving to forwarding mode
during the nodes attempts to PXE, so the packets never make it to the
DHCP server. To resolve this issue you should set the switch port that
connects to your baremetal nodes as an edge or PortFast type port.
Configured in this way the switch port will move to forwarding mode as
soon as the link is established. An example on how to do that for a
Cisco Nexus switch is:

$ config terminal
$ (config) interface eth1/11
$ (config-if) spanning-tree port type edge

does X issue occur when I am using LACP bonding with iPXE?

If you are using iPXE, an unfortunate aspect of its design and
interaction with networking is an automatic response as a Link
Aggregation Control Protocol (or LACP) peer to remote switches. iPXE
does this for only the single port which is used for network

In theory, this may help establish the port link-state faster with
some switch vendors, but the official reasoning as far as the Ironic
Developers are aware is not documented for iPXE. The end result of this
is that once iPXE has stopped responding to LACP messages from the peer
port, which occurs as part of the process of booting a ramdisk and iPXE
handing over control to a full operating-system, switches typically
begin a timer to determine how to handle the failure. This is because,
depending on the mode of LACP, this can be interpreted as a switch or
network fabric failure.

This may demonstrate as any number of behaviors or issues from
ramdisks finding they are unable to acquire DHCP addresses over the
network interface to downloads abruptly stalling, to even minor issues
such as LLDP port data being unavailable in introspection.


  • Ironic’s agent doesn’t officially support LACP and the Ironic
    community generally believes this may cause more problems than it would
    solve. During the Victoria development cycle, we added retry logic for
    most actions in an attempt to navigate the worst-known default hold-down
    timers to help ensure a deployment does not fail due to a short-lived
    transitory network connectivity failure in the form of a switch port
    having moved to a temporary blocking state. Where applicable and
    possible, many of these patches have been backported to supported
    releases. These patches also require that the switchport has an eventual
    fallback to a non-bonded mode. If the port remains in a blocking state,
    then traffic will be unable to flow and the deployment is likely to time
  • If you must use LACP, consider passive LACP negotiation
    settings in the network switch as opposed to active. The
    difference being with passive the connected workload is likely a server
    where it should likely request the switch to establish the Link
    Aggregate. This is instead of being treated as if it’s possibly another
  • Consult your switch vendor’s support forums. Some vendors have
    recommended port settings for booting machines using iPXE with their

IPMI errors

When working with IPMI, several settings need to be enabled depending
on vendors.

Enable IPMI over LAN

Machines may not have IPMI access over LAN enabled by default. This
could cause the IPMI port to be unreachable through ipmitool, as

$ ipmitool -I lan -H ipmi_host -U ipmi_user -P ipmi_pass chassis power status
Error: Unable to establish LAN session

To fix this, enable IPMI over lan
setting using your BMC tool or web app.

Troubleshooting lanplus

When working with lanplus interfaces, you may encounter the following

$ ipmitool -I lanplus -H ipmi_host -U ipmi_user -P ipmi_pass power status
Error in open session response message : insufficient resources for session
Error: Unable to establish IPMI v2 / RMCP+ session

To fix that issue, please enable RMCP+ Cipher
Suite3 Configuration
setting using your BMC tool or web app.

Why are my nodes stuck
in a “-ing” state?

The Ironic conductor uses states ending with ing as a
signifier that the conductor is actively working on something related to
the node.

Often, this means there is an internal lock or
reservation set on the node and the conductor is
downloading, uploading, or attempting to perform some sort of
Input/Output operation – see Why does API return
“Node is locked by host”?
for details.

In the case the conductor gets stuck, these operations should
timeout, but there are cases in operating systems where operations are
blocked until completion. These sorts of operations can vary based on
the specific environment and operating configuration.

What can cause these
sorts of failures?

Typical causes of such failures are going to be largely rooted in the
concept of iowait, either in the form of downloading from a
remote host or reading or writing to the disk of the conductor. An
operator can use the iostat
tool to identify the percentage of CPU time spent waiting on storage

The fields that will be particularly important are the
iowait, await, and tps ones,
which can be read about in the iostat manual page.

In the case of network file systems, for backing components such as
image caches or distributed tftpboot or
httpboot folders, IO operations failing on these can,
depending on operating system and underlying client settings, cause
threads to be stuck in a blocking wait state, which is realistically
undetectable short the operating system logging connectivity errors or
even lock manager access errors.

For example with nfs, the
underlying client recovery behavior, in terms of soft,
hard, softreval, nosoftreval,
will largely impact this behavior, but also NFS server settings can
impact this behavior. A solid sign that this is a failure, is when an
ls /path/to/nfs command hangs for a period of time. In such
cases, the Storage Administrator should be consulted and network
connectivity investigated for errors before trying to recover to

If the node has a populated reservation field, and has
not timed out or proceeded to a fail state, then the
conductor process will likely need to be restarted. This is because the
worker thread is hung with-in the conductor.

Manual intervention with-in Ironic’s database is not advised
to try and “un-wedge” the machine in this state, and restarting the
conductor is encouraged.


Ironic’s conductor, upon restart, clears reservations for nodes which
were previously managed by the conductor before restart.

If a distributed or network file system is in use, it is highly
recommended that the operating system of the node running the conductor
be rebooted as the running conductor may not even be able to exit in the
state of an IO failure, again dependent upon site and server

File Size != Disk Size

An easy to make misconception is that a 2.4 GB file means that only
2.4 GB is written to disk. But if that file’s virtual size is 20 GB, or
100 GB things can become very problematic and extend the amount of time
the node spends in deploying and deploy wait

Again, these sorts of cases will depend upon the exact configuration
of the deployment, but hopefully these are areas where these actions can

  • Conversion to raw image files upon download to the conductor, from
    the [DEFAULT]force_raw_images option. Users using Glance
    may also experience issues here as the conductor will cache the image to
    be written which takes place when the
    [agent]image_download_source is set to http
    instead of swift.


The QCOW2 image conversion utility does consume quite a bit of memory
when converting images or writing them to the end storage device. This
is because the files are not sequential in nature, and must be
re-assembled from an internal block mapping. Internally Ironic limits
this to 1GB of RAM. Operators performing large numbers of deployments
may wish to disable raw images in these sorts of cases in order to
minimize the conductor becoming a limiting factor due to memory and
network IO.

Why are my nodes stuck
in a “wait” state?

The Ironic conductor uses states containing wait as a
signifier that the conductor is waiting for a callback from another
component, such as the Ironic Python Agent or the Inspector. If this
feedback does not arrive, the conductor will time out and the node will
eventually move to a failed state. Depending on the
configuration and the circumstances, however, a node can stay in a
wait state for a long time or even never time out. The list
of such wait states includes:

  • clean wait for cleaning,
  • inspect wait for introspection,
  • rescue wait for rescueing, and
  • wait call-back for deploying.

issues between the conductor and the node

One of the most common issues when nodes seem to be stuck in a wait
state occur when the node never received any instructions or does not
react as expected: the conductor moved the node to a wait state but the
node will never call back. Examples include wrong ciphers which will
make ipmitool get stuck or BMCs in a state where they accept commands,
but don’t do the requested task (or only a part of it, like shutting
off, but not starting). It is useful in these cases to see via a ping or
the console if and which action the node is performing. If the node does
not seem to react to the requests sent be the conductor, it may be
worthwhile to try the corresponding action out-of-band, e.g. confirm
that power on/off commands work when directly sent to the BMC. The
section on IPMI errors. above gives some
additional points to check. In some situations, a BMC reset may be

Ironic Python Agent stuck

Nodes can also get remain in a wait state when the component the
conductor is waiting for gets stuck, e.g. when a hardware manager enters
a loop or is waiting for an event that is never happening. In these
cases, it might be helpful to connect to the IPA and inspect its logs,
see the trouble shooting guide of the ironic-python-agent (IPA) <>
on how to do this.

Stopping the operation

Cleaning, inspection and rescuing can be stopped while in
clean wait, inspect wait and
rescue wait states using the abort command. It
will move the node to the corresponding failure state
(clean failed, inspect failed or
rescue failed):

baremetal node abort <node>

Deploying can be aborted while in the wait call-back
state by starting an undeploy (normally resulting in cleaning):

baremetal node undeploy <node>

See /user/states for
more details.


Since the Bare Metal service is not doing anything actively in
waiting states, the nodes are not moved to failed states on conductor

fail with “failed to update MAC address”

The design of the integration with the Networking service (neutron)
is such that once virtual ports have been created in the API, their MAC
address must be updated in order for the DHCP server to be able to
appropriately reply.

This can sometimes result in errors being raised indicating that the
MAC address is already in use. This is because at some point in the
past, a virtual interface was orphaned either by accident or by some
unexpected glitch, and a previous entry is still present in Neutron.

This error looks something like this when reported in the
ironic-conductor log output.:

Failed to update MAC address on Neutron port
305beda7-0dd0-4fec-b4d2-78b7aa4e8e6a.: MacAddressInUseClient: Unable to
complete operation for network 1e252627-6223-4076-a2b9-6f56493c9bac. The
mac address 52:54:00:7c:c4:56 is in use.

Because we have no idea about this entry, we fail the deployment
process as we can’t make a number of assumptions in order to attempt to
automatically resolve the conflict.

How did I get here?

Originally this was a fairly easy issue to encounter. The retry logic
path which resulted between the Orchestration (heat) and Compute (nova)
services, could sometimes result in additional un-necessary ports being

Bugs of this class have been largely resolved since the Rocky
development cycle. Since then, the way this can become encountered is
due to Networking (neutron) VIF attachments not being removed or deleted
prior to deleting a port in the Bare Metal service.

Ultimately, the key of this is that the port is being deleted. Under
most operating circumstances, there really is no need to delete the
port, and VIF attachments are stored on the port object, so deleting the
port CAN result in the VIF not being cleaned up from

Under normal circumstances, when deleting ports, a node should be in
a stable state, and the node should not be provisioned. If the
baremetal port delete command fails, this may indicate that
a known VIF is still attached. Generally if they are transitory from
cleaning, provisioning, rescuing, or even inspection, getting the node
to the available state wil unblock your delete operation,
that is unless there is a tenant VIF attahment. In that case, the vif
will need to be removed from with-in the Bare Metal service using the
baremetal node vif detach command.

A port can also be checked to see if there is a VIF attachment by
consulting the port’s internal_info field.


The maintenance flag can be used to force the node’s
port to be deleted, however this will disable any check that would
normally block the user from issuing a delete and accidently orphaning
the VIF attachment record.

How do I resolve this?

Generally, you need to identify the port with the offending MAC
address. Example:

$ openstack port list --mac-address 52:54:00:7c:c4:56

From the command’s output, you should be able to identify the
id field. Using that, you can delete the port. Example:

$ openstack port delete <id>


Before deleting a port, you should always verify that it is no longer
in use or no longer seems applicable/operable. If multiple deployments
of the Bare Metal service with a single Neutron, the possibility that a
inventory typo, or possibly even a duplicate MAC address exists, which
could also produce the same basic error message.

test VM image does not deploy — mount point does not exist

What is likely occuring

The image attempting to be deployed likely is a partition image where
the file system that the user wishes to boot from lacks the required
folders, such as /dev and /proc, which are
required to install a bootloader for a Linux OS image

It should be noted that similar errors can also occur with whole disk
images where we are attempting to setup the UEFI bootloader
configuration. That being said, in this case, the image is likely
invalid or contains an unexpected internal structure.

Users performing testing may choose something that they believe will
work based on it working for virtual machines. These images are often
attractive for testing as they are generic and include basic support for
establishing networking and possibly installing user keys.
Unfortunately, these images often lack drivers and firmware required for
many different types of physical hardware which makes using them very
problematic. Additionally, images such as Cirros do not have any
contents in the root filesystem (i.e. an empty filesystem), as they are
designed for the ramdisk to write the contents to disk upon

How do I not encounter this

We generally recommend using diskimage-builder
or vendor supplied images. Centos, Ubuntu, Fedora, and Debian all
publish operating system images which do generally include drivers and
firmware for physical hardware. Many of these published “cloud” images,
also support auto-configuration of networking AND population of user

Issues with autoconfigured

These issues will manifest as an error in
ironic-conductor logs looking similar to (lines are wrapped
for readability):

ERROR ironic.drivers.modules.agent_client [-]
Failed to connect to the agent running on node d7c322f0-0354-4008-92b4-f49fb2201001
for invoking command clean.get_clean_steps. Error:
HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=9999): Max retries exceeded with url:
/v1/commands/?wait=true&agent_token=<token> (Caused by
SSLError(SSLError(1, '[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:897)'),)):
requests.exceptions.SSLError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=9999):
Max retries exceeded with url: /v1/commands/?wait=true&agent_token=<token>
(Caused by SSLError(SSLError(1, '[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:897)'),))

The cause of the issue is that the Bare Metal service cannot access
the ramdisk with the TLS certificate provided by the ramdisk on first
heartbeat. You can inspect the stored certificate in

You can try connecting to the ramdisk using the IP address in the log

curl -vL https://<IP address>:9999/v1/commands \
    --cacert /var/lib/ironic/certificates/<node UUID>.crt

You can get the detailed information about the certificate using

openssl x509 -text -noout -in /var/lib/ironic/certificates/<node UUID>.crt

Clock skew

One possible source of the problem is a discrepancy between the
hardware clock on the node and the time on the machine with the Bare
Metal service. It can be detected by comparing the
Not Before field in the openssl output with
the timestamp of a log message.

The recommended solution is to enable the NTP support in
ironic-python-agent by passing the ipa-ntp-server argument
with an address of an NTP server reachable by the node.

If it is not possible, you need to ensure the correct hardware time
on the machine. Keep in mind a potential issue with timezones: an
ability to store timezone in hardware is pretty recent and may not be
available. Since ironic-python-agent is likely operating in UTC, the
hardware clock should also be set in UTC.


Microsoft Windows uses local time by default, so a machine that has
previously run Windows will likely have wrong time.

I changed
ironic.conf, and now I can’t edit my nodes.

Whenever a node is created in ironic, default interfaces are
identified as part of driver composition. This maybe sourced from
explicit default values which have been set in ironic.conf
or by the interface order for the enabled interfaces list. The result of
this is that the ironic-conductor cannot spawn a
task using the composed driver, as a portion of the driver
is no longer enabled. This makes it difficult to edit or update the node
if the settings have been changed.

For example, with networking interfaces, if you have
default_network_interface=neutron or
enabled_network_interfaces=neutron,flat in your
ironic.conf, nodes would have been created with the
neutron network interface.

This is because default_network_interface overrides the
setting for new nodes, and that setting is saved to the
database nodes table.

Similarly, the order of enabled_network_interfaces takes
priority, and the first entry in the list is generally set to the
default for the node upon creation, and that record is
saved to the database nodes table.

The only case where driver composition does not calculate a
default is if an explicit value is provided upon the creation of the

Example failure

A node in this state, when the network_interface was
saved as neutron, yet the neutron interface is
no longer enabled will fail basic state transition requests:

$ baremetal node manage 7164efca-37ab-1213-1112-b731cf795a5a
Could not find the following interface in the 'ironic.hardware.interfaces.network' entrypoint: neutron. Valid interfaces are ['flat']. (HTTP 400)

How to fix this?

Revert the changes you made to ironic.conf.

This applies to any changes to any default_*_interface
options or the order of interfaces in the for the
enabled_*_interfaces options.

Once the conductor has been restarted with the updated configuration,
you should now be able to update the interface using the
baremetal node set command. In this example we use the
network_interface as this is most commonly where it is

$ baremetal node set $NAME_OR_UUID --network-interface flat


There are additional paths one can take to remedy this sort of issue,
however we encourage operators to be mindful of operational consistency
when making major configuration changes.

Once you have updated the saved interfaces, you should be able to
safely return the ironic.conf configuration change in
changing what interfaces are enabled by the conductor.

I’m getting Out of Memory

This issue, also known as the “the OOMKiller got my conductor” case,
is where your OS system memory reaches a point where the operating
system engages measures to shed active memory consumption in order to
prevent a complete failure of the machine. Unfortunately this can cause
unpredictable behavior.

How did I get here?

One of the major consumers of memory in a host running an
ironic-conductor is transformation of disk images using the
qemu-img tool. This tool, because the disk images it works
with are both compressed and out of linear block order, requires a
considerable amount of memory to efficently re-assemble and write-out a
disk to a device, or to simply convert the format such as to a
raw image.

By default, ironic’s configuration limits this conversion to 1 GB of
RAM for the process, but each conversion does cause additional buffer
memory to be used, which increases overall system memory pressure.
Generally memory pressure alone from buffers will not cause an out of
memory condition, but the multiple conversions or deployments running at
the same time CAN cause extreme memory pressure and risk the system
running out of memory.

How do I resolve this?

This can be addressed a few different ways:

  • Use raw images, however these images can be substantially larger and
    require more data to be transmitted “over the wire”.
  • Add more physical memory.
  • Add swap space.
  • Reduce concurrency, possibly via another conductor or changing the
    nova-compute.conf max_concurrent_builds parameter.
  • Or finally, adjust the [DEFAULT]minimum_required_memory
    parameter in your ironic.conf file. The default should be considered a
    “default of last resort” and you may need to reserve additional memory.
    You may also wish to adjust the
    [DEFAULT]minimum_memory_wait_retries and
    [DEFAULT]minimum_memory_wait_time parameters.

Why does API return
“Node is locked by host”?

This error usually manifests as HTTP error 409 on the client

Node d7e2aed8-50a9-4427-baaa-f8f595e2ceb3 is locked by host, please retry after the current operation is

It happens, because an operation that modifies a node is requested,
while another such operation is running. The conflicting operation may
be user requested (e.g. a provisioning action) or related to the
internal processes (e.g. changing power state during power-sync). The reported
host name corresponds to the conductor instance that holds the lock.

Normally, these errors are transient and safe to retry after a few
seconds. If the lock is held for significant time, these are the steps
you can take.

First of all, check the current provision_state of the


means that the conductor is trying to access the node’s BMC. If it
happens for minutes, it means that the BMC is either unreachable or
misbehaving. Double-check the information in driver_info,
especially the BMC address and credentials.

If the access details seem correct, try resetting the BMC using, for
example, its web UI.


means that the conductor is doing some active work. It may include
downloading or converting images, executing synchronous out-of-band
deploy or clean steps, etc. A node can stay in this state for minutes,
depending on various factors. Consult the conductor logs.

available/manageable/wait call-back/clean wait

means that some background process is holding the lock. Most commonly
it’s the power synchronization loop. Similarly to the
verifying state, it may mean that the BMC access is broken
or too slow. The conductor logs will provide you insights on what is

To trace the process using conductor logs:

  1. Isolate the relevant log parts. Lock messages come from the
    ironic.conductor.task_manager module. You can also check
    the ironic.common.states module for any state

    $ grep -E '(ironic.conductor.task_manager|ironic.common.states|NodeLocked)' \
        conductor.log > state.log
  2. Find the first instance of NodeLocked. It may look
    like this (stripping timestamps and request IDs here and below for

    DEBUG ironic.conductor.task_manager [-] Attempting to get exclusive lock on node d7e2aed8-50a9-4427-baaa-f8f595e2ceb3 (for node update) __init__ /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ironic/conductor/task_manager.py:233
    DEBUG ironic_lib.json_rpc.server [-] RPC error NodeLocked: Node d7e2aed8-50a9-4427-baaa-f8f595e2ceb3 is locked by host, please retry after the current operation is completed. _handle_error /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ironic_lib/json_rpc/server.py:179

    The events right before this failure will provide you a clue on why
    the lock is held.

  3. Find the last successful exclusive locking event
    before the failure, for example:

    DEBUG ironic.conductor.task_manager [-] Attempting to get exclusive lock on node d7e2aed8-50a9-4427-baaa-f8f595e2ceb3 (for provision action manage) __init__ /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ironic/conductor/task_manager.py:233
    DEBUG ironic.conductor.task_manager [-] Node d7e2aed8-50a9-4427-baaa-f8f595e2ceb3 successfully reserved for provision action manage (took 0.01 seconds) reserve_node /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ironic/conductor/task_manager.py:350
    DEBUG ironic.common.states [-] Exiting old state 'enroll' in response to event 'manage' on_exit /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ironic/common/states.py:307
    DEBUG ironic.common.states [-] Entering new state 'verifying' in response to event 'manage' on_enter /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ironic/common/states.py:313

    This is your root cause, the lock is held because of the BMC
    credentials verification.

  4. Find when the lock is released (if at all). The messages look
    like this:

    DEBUG ironic.conductor.task_manager [-] Successfully released exclusive lock for provision action manage on node d7e2aed8-50a9-4427-baaa-f8f595e2ceb3 (lock was held 60.02 sec) release_resources /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ironic/conductor/task_manager.py:447

    The message tells you the reason the lock was held
    (for provision action manage) and the amount of time it was
    held (60.02 seconds, which is way too much for accessing a

Unfortunately, due to the way the conductor is designed, it is not
possible to gracefully break a stuck lock held in *-ing
states. As the last resort, you may need to restart the affected
conductor. See Why are
my nodes stuck in a “-ing” state?

What is

ConcurrentActionLimit is an exception which is raised to clients when
an operation is requested, but cannot be serviced at that moment because
the overall threshold of nodes in concurrent “Deployment” or “Cleaning”
operations has been reached.

These limits exist for two distinct reasons.

The first is they allow an operator to tune a deployment such that
too many concurrent deployments cannot be triggered at any given time,
as a single conductor has an internal limit to the number of overall
concurrent tasks, this restricts only the number of running concurrent
actions. As such, this accounts for the number of nodes in
deploy and deploy wait states. In the case of
deployments, the default value is relatively high and should be suitable
for most larger operators.

The second is to help slow down the ability in which an entire
population of baremetal nodes can be moved into and through cleaning, in
order to help guard against authenticated malicious users, or accidental
script driven operations. In this case, the total number of nodes in
deleting, cleaning, and
clean wait are evaluated. The default maximum limit for
cleaning operations is 50 and should be suitable for the
majority of baremetal operators.

These settings can be modified by using the
[conductor]max_concurrent_deploy and
[conductor]max_concurrent_clean settings from the
ironic.conf file supporting the ironic-conductor service.
Neither setting can be explicity disabled, however there is also no
upper limit to the setting.


This was an infrastructure operator requested feature from actual
lessons learned in the operation of Ironic in large scale production.
The defaults may not be suitable for the largest scale operators.