
Securing Infrastructure as Code: Best Practices for IaC Security

The global market for infrastructure as code is anticipated to grow considerably between 2022 and 2030. This is due to the increasing demand for IaC tools, which can boost both reliability and productivity by reducing the required human setup work. As a result, it is essential not to ignore the importance of ensuring IaS security!

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is necessary for any modern software company or cloud service. Machine-readable definition files replace time-consuming manual procedures for managing and provisioning infrastructure resources by developers and operations teams. IaC increases flexibility, scalability, and repeatability but poses new security risks. 

To assist businesses in constructing and deploying safe infrastructure environments, this blog will examine the best practices for protecting Infrastructure as Code.

Why Carrying out Best Practices for IaC Security is Necessary?

The following justifies the need to adopt best practices for IaC security:

  • Security against Online Threats: Cyberattacks are becoming increasingly complex and widespread as technology develops. Intruders always seek to compromise infrastructure to steal information, disrupt services, or inflict monetary damage. Organizations can successfully reduce these dangers and defend their infrastructure from cyberattacks by adopting best practices for IaC security.
  • Reducing the Effects of Configuration Change: When the deployed infrastructure’s actual configuration deviates from its planned state, this is known as “configuration drift.” It raises the risk of widespread security breaches and irregularities in the underlying architecture. The risk of configuration drift can be mitigated by using best practices like version control and code review to guarantee that the deployed infrastructure is in line with the established and secure configuration.
  • Misconfiguration Avoidance: In infrastructure settings, misconfigurations can lead to security holes. Data leakage and resource exploitation might occur due to faulty access controls, network setups, or encryption settings. Organizations can enforce effective configuration management, reduce misconfigurations, and improve their security posture by following best practices for IaC security.
  • Conformity with Laws and Regulations: Tight security measures are typically mandated by industry standards and regulatory frameworks within which businesses must operate. By instituting robust access controls, encryption, auditing, and monitoring of infrastructure resources, businesses are better able to achieve these standards. This safeguards against potential legal and financial ramifications by ensuring adherence to industry standards.
  • Flexibility and Scalability: With IaC, businesses can dynamically adjust their infrastructure resources to meet evolving demands. However, fast scaling might expose flaws and vulnerabilities in the infrastructure if the right precautions aren’t taken. By adhering to best practices, businesses can ensure that security is considered at every stage of the IaC process, allowing them to scale safely while keeping their agility intact.
  • Working Together and Taking Responsibility: Developers, operations teams, and other interested parties must all work together to implement IaC successfully. Version control and code review are two best practices that encourage teamwork and responsibility. As a result, the possibility of unintended or unaccounted-for changes to the infrastructure codes, which might compromise security, is greatly reduced.
  • Savings in Money and Time: Fixing security problems late in the development or deployment process is inefficient and expensive. Security flaws and misconfigurations can be quickly found and fixed if built into the IaC process. This saves companies time and money. This preventative method keeps the infrastructure safe without sacrificing time or money.
  • Reputation and Customer Trust:  A company’s reputation and consumer trust might take a serious hit during a data breach or leak. By adhering to industry standards for IaC security, businesses are dedicated to keeping their customers’ data safe and secure. Organizations can gain credibility among their stakeholder groups and clientele if they take the time to ensure the safety of their IT infrastructure.

Best practices for IaC security should be implemented to prevent cyber attacks, limit configuration drift and mistakes, meet regulatory requirements, guarantee scalability and agility, foster teamwork and responsibility, cut down on wasted time and money, and maintain credibility with customers. By adhering to these guidelines, businesses can lay a solid security groundwork for their infrastructure installations and reduce risk.

Best Practices for IaC Security

Best practices for IaC security must be used to provide a safe infrastructure setting. Risks can be reduced, cyber security can be strengthened, and adherence to regulations can be guaranteed with the help of these best practices. Organizations can improve the security of their IaC deployments by adopting the following best practices:

Adopt a System of Code Review and Version Control

Treating IaC like code is a crucial first step towards protecting it. Companies can keep tabs on and manage infrastructure code updates with the help of version control systems like Taikun. This provides the ability to revert to a prior version in case of a security breach or to examine the history of modifications made by various team members. Security flaws and misconfigurations can be fixed before the code is published to production by implementing code review processes.

Follow the Least Privilege Principle

Adhering to the concept of least privilege is essential when assigning roles and permissions to users in an IaC environment. Each part, service, or infrastructure should only have the rights it needs to do its job. Organizations can reduce the risk of intrusion or other hostile actions by reducing the surface of the attack. Implementing fine-grained access controls and imposing strict limits on privileges is easier using a cloud provider’s Identity and Access Management (IAM) services.

Keep IaC Artifacts in a Safe Place

Maintaining strict control over the storage of IaC artifacts, including configuration files, templates, and deployment scripts, is important. Only authorized users and groups will have access if these files are stored in a secure version control repository or artifact management system. Additional security can be added, and sensitive data can be protected by encrypting API keys and passwords within the IaC artifacts.

Use Infrastructure as Code to Perform Tests

Before releasing an IaC template into production, it must undergo rigorous testing to reveal any security flaws or incorrect settings. Common security issues, such as unsecured network setups, exposed ports, or inadequate access restrictions, can be uncovered using automated testing frameworks. Scanning the code for IaCs regularly with static analysis tools or security scanners can help find security flaws, strengthening the entire infrastructure’s security.

Use Confidentiality Agreements

A crucial part of IaC security is the management of secrets like API keys, passwords, and database credentials. Exposure or breach can occur if secrets are hardcoded into the IaC templates or saved in plain text files. During infrastructure deployment, organizations should use the cloud platform’s secure secrets management tools or services to store and recover secrets safely. This restricts private data access so only authorized parties can view it.

Track and Verify Infrastructure Updating

A secure IaC system relies heavily on constantly monitoring and auditing infrastructure modifications. To monitor and analyze IT stack changes, businesses must use monitoring and logging systems. The early detection of security breaches or malicious activity can be greatly aided by monitoring for odd or unexpected changes. In the case of a security breach, businesses can also perform forensic analysis and investigations by collecting and analyzing logs.

Maintaining Current Versions and Patches of IaC Elements

A safe infrastructure relies on up-to-date IaC components, including frameworks, libraries, and deployment tools. Patches and updates are often released for these parts to fix newly found security flaws. Regularly checking for and installing fixes can reduce the risk of exploiting known security vulnerabilities.

Perform Regular Security Assessments

It is essential to do regular security assessments, such as penetration testing and vulnerability scanning, to detect and fix any vulnerabilities in the system. Organizations can use these audits to proactively identify IaC-related vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and improper practices. Organizations can maintain a strong security posture and lessen the chances of successful assaults if they address these concerns quickly.

Building and implementing secure infrastructure settings relies heavily on securing infrastructure as code. Organizations can lessen the dangers of IaC deployments by adhering to best practices, including version control, code reviews, least privilege, and secret protection. The infrastructure is also robust against new threats using constant monitoring, frequent upgrades, and security audits. By implementing these guidelines, businesses can reap the rewards of IaC while keeping their data safe. Remember that protecting IaC is a continual process that necessitates awareness and the ability to adjust to changing security challenges.

Taikun: Securing the Infrastructure as Code

When protecting your organization’s Infrastructure as Code (IaC), a top infrastructure security platform like Taikun’s extensive tools is invaluable!

Taikun’s real-time identification and proactive remediation of security vulnerabilities and misconfigurations in IaC installations are made possible by its continuous security monitoring, vulnerability scanning, and compliance assurance. 

Secure secrets management features in Taikun restrict access to confidential data to authorized parties. Organizations can develop and implement security policies on the platform to ensure they are followed. Taikun provides incident response and forensics capabilities, allowing businesses to analyze and address security incidents efficiently. Improve IaC security, optimize security operations, and rest easy knowing your infrastructure is protected for its entire lifespan with Taikun’s help. Try Taikun today for free or talk to one of our consultants to get a personalized demo.