Taikun OCP - Overview 16 Using Mojo with Taikun OCP Configure Postfix Client CLI Command List Getting Started with Ceilometer SDK Reference
Getting Started 6 Accessing Cluster with Kubeconfig Creating Kubernetes cluster Project Creation From Login to Production Cluster Connect your Cloud
Taikun CloudWorks Overview 22 Exposing an Application Through the Bastion Load Balancer Serverless Kubernetes Container images Horizontal Pod Autoscaling in Kubernetes Tekton Operators
Taikun OCP - Keystone 7 Manage Projects, Users, and Roles Middleware Audit Create a Domain, Projects, Users, and Roles Role Types Keystone Configuration
Taikun OCP - Nova 10 Host Aggregates Manage Quotas Hypervisors Flavors Overview Show Usage Statistics for Hosts and Instances
Managing your Projects 14 vCluster Kubernetes Upgrades with Taikun Images Supported Application Runtime Environments AI assistant
Supported Cloud Providers 11 All Cloud Providers Overview Zededa Amazon Web Services Google Cloud Platform OpenStack