
Taikun CLI

User | Manager | Partner You can manage Taikun’s resources directly from the command line. Getting Started with Taikun CLI Signing in to Taikun The Taikun CLI reads environment variables to authenticate to Taikun. To authenticate with your Taikun account: Configure Autocompletion Autocompletion is available for the following shells: The command taikun completion generates an autocompletion […]

Taikun API

User | Manager | Partner Taikun API resources As a Software developer, it is crucial to have access to all used instruments within the code you write. Taikun’s versatility allows you to use the API to manage your Kubernetes clusters without hesitation. Our API documentation contains all information about the authentication mechanisms, your Cloud instances’ […]

Usage Reports

Overview You can use the Usage Reports tab to monitor the usage of Cloud resources. In every Project, you can see the number of used TCUs (Taikun Compute Units) for a selected period limited by Start Date and End Date. Sort data by Project or TCU and filter them by choosing available or deleted projects. TCU Clicking the Project will redirect you to the Project’s info […]


Overview Manager | Partner The Chargeback tab is an overview of prices for every billing rule you set up in your account. Change the Start date and End date to adjust the measured time period (for example from the beginning to the end of the month). In the table, you will find: Export Chargeback data The data displayed on the page […]

Ticketing in Taikun

Overview Manager | Partner Whenever you face any obstacles in Taikun, you have a direct channel to communicate with our team within the web application. Ticketing is Taikun’s Board view system for any questions and concerns. The page is divided into 4 sections. 1) New 2) Open 3) Closed 4) Archived How to raise a […]

Showback rules

Manager | Partner Overview Showback rules in Taikun are used to track and report the usage of cloud resources by individual users or departments within an organization. The primary purpose of the Showback Rules is to provide visibility into the costs associated with using Cloud resources and promote accountability for resource usage. Every Showback Rule […]

Live Servers

Manager | Partner Overview Managers of Taikun can access the Servers menu from the left-hand navigation panel to see the list of all running servers in created Project to Monitor their state. Every server in this menu is described by ID, Server Name, IP Address, Flavor, CPU/RAM/Disk Size, Role, Status, K8s Health, Created, and Actions. […]

Project Quotas

Overview With Project Quotas, you can limit the amount of CPU, RAM, and storage each Project can use. This can help you save money by avoiding unnecessary resource consumption, and it can also help you ensure that your Projects run at optimal performance. To access Project Quotas, navigate to the main menu and select the […]

Configure Alerting Profile

Overview of Alerting Profiles Manager | Partner Taikun is designed to inform you of any issues or events in your Kubernetes clusters. If something goes wrong with one of your Projects, our tool can send notifications to any email address, webhook, or available integrations. Alerting Profiles can be added to your account’s new or existing […]

Enable Monitoring in Projects

Monitoring of Projects in Taikun Manager | Partner Some of the features described in the Available Monitoring Tools are accessible only if a Project has Monitoring enabled. With this step, you connect your Project to other open-source projects, such as Grafana and Prometheus, to access advanced monitoring instruments. With their help, you will be able […]