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Enable Monitoring in Projects

Monitoring of Projects in Taikun #

Manager | Partner

Some of the features described in the Available Monitoring Tools are accessible only if a Project has Monitoring enabled. With this step, you connect your Project to other open-source projects, such as Grafana and Prometheus, to access advanced monitoring instruments. With their help, you will be able to quickly determine a reason for the cluster’s failure or quickly define existing bottlenecks that can be re-configured to improve the speed of your product.

Enable Monitoring #

There are 2 options for the activation of Monitoring tools:

1) Enable monitoring during the Project creation


2) Alternatively, it can be activated in the already created Projects


The process might take up to 2 minutes. Upon successful activation, you will be able to work with the Logs, Alerts, and Metrics menus of your Project.

Disable Monitoring #

To turn the Monitoring off, hit the “Disable Monitoring” button and confirm your action in the next window.

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