

Alerting Profile

Manager | Partner


Alerting Profiles allow you to receive notifications about the state of your Project in the tool of your choice.

Add Alerting Profile

If you want a new Alerting Profile, use the  button.

Fill in the following fields:

  • Organization – choose from the drop-down selection of Organizations
  • Name – choose a name for your Alerting Profile
  • Slack Configuration – if you have created a Slack configuration, you can use it in your Profile
  • Reminder – set a reminder to NoneHalfHourHourlyDaily
  • Add
    • E-mails – receive notifications via e-mail
    • Webhooks – use webhooks for application alert
    • Integrations – set notifications for supported applications (Opsgenie, Pagerduty, Splunk, and Microsoft Teams)

Alerting Profile Details

Each Profile is described by IDNameOrganization NameSlack Configuration NameAssociated ProjectsE-mailWebhooksCreated By, and Reminder.

You can change or add more E-mails and Webhooks. You can also add multiple headers (KeyValue) to every webhook. The table can be extended to see the last modification parameters (Last Modified and Last Modified By).

Available Actions

Lock/unlock – make Profile available during Project selection (only non-default Profile can be locked)
✏ Edit – change Profile’s name, Slack configuration, Reminder
Delete – remove Profile that is not in use (only Profiles without associated Projects can be deleted)

Attaching Alerting Profile to Projects

There are 2 ways to attach your alerting profile to the project:

  • When Project is created – check “Add Alerting Profile” box during the Project creation
  • After Project creation – use the drop-down selection Actions in the project, click Attach Alerting Profile, and choose which profile you want to attach to a Project.

Detach Alerting Profile

Use the drop-down selection Actions in a Project, click Detach Alerting Profile, and choose which Profile you want to detach.

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