



User | Manager | Partner

User panel is a section available to every User type of Taikun. Up here, you and your colleagues can access an overview of all your created Projects, create new Projects, and make your additions to the already existing ones. It is the main menu of Taikun, where all team members can locate all the necessary information about the state of your Clusters.

The User section consists of 2 sub-sections: Dashboard and Projects


Dashboard menu contains eight interactive widgets and four tables that provide you with an overview of the state of all your Projects.

The following widgets are shown: 

  1. Projects – this widget displays the state of your Projects via four statuses (Succeeded/Failed/Pending/Updating)
  2. Server Statuses – to dive deeper into your Projects, the widget indicates the state of each particular server in your Projects (using the same Succeeded/Failed/Pending/Updating statuses)
  3. Servers – this widget is a graphical representation of the number of servers running on connected Clouds 
  4. Cloud Credentials – the number of connected Cloud services is shown here 
  5. Nodes Overview – here you can find the state of every Node of your Projects 
  6. Pods Overview – similarly to Nodes, this widget displays the amount of healthy/unhealthy Pods running on your servers 
  7. Projects with Alerts – this widget indicates the number of Projects having various alerts 
  8. Kubernetes Health – an indication of the health of your Kubernetes in active Projects is shown here 
Taikun – Dashboard

Our Tables include information about: 

  1. Nodes – overview of Nodes for each particular project showing their state of Disk, Memory, PIDs, and readiness 
  2. Pods – detailed information on every Pod of a specified Project 
  3. Project Resource Allocation – allocation of resources per Project 
  4. Recent Events – log of all events related to existing Projects 
Taikun – Dashboard details


All widgets presented on the page are interactive – feel free to click on any section to see detailed information

Visit the Available Monitoring tools section to see how monitoring can be configured in Taikun.


The projects section displays all of your existing Projects in a table format. This overview allows you to easily access any selected Project for making changes, see its current state and additional information, and change preferred Project Properties. 

The complete list of properties includes: 

  1. Project ID 
  2. Project Name 
  3. View – links to quickly access K8s or VMs overview of a Project 
  4. Organization – an Organization a Project belongs to 
  5. Status – current state of a Project (Ready/Failure/Updating/PendingUpdateCredentials) 
  6. Health 
  7. Creation Date 
  8. K8s Version – applied version of Kubernetes 
  9. Cloud Type – connected Cloud service 
  10. K8s – quick link to the Project’s Kubernetes overview 
  11. Expiration date – Project’s expiration date (if set) 
  12. Assigned Users – teammates having access to a Project 
  13. Actions – action buttons allow managing a Project 
Taikun – Project page

Every Project can be opened by clicking on its name. Up there, you will be presented with an overview of a Project showing its servers, detailed state, and additional properties.

Taikun – Project details page

You can also expand the servers’ overview by clicking on the Show Hidden Columns button on the right-hand side of the screen. This will show additional fields Created By, Last Modified, and Last Modified by. 

Taikun – Project actions

More information about Taikun Projects is provided here.

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