

Standalone Profile

Manager | Partner


Standalone Profiles set specific policies for creating Virtual Machines within your clusters. You can see all Standalone profiles created for your Organization in this tab. Each profile is described by its IDNameOrganization, and associated Virtual Machines.

Available Actions

/Lock/unlock – profile cannot be used if locked
Update – edit profile properties
Delete – remove not used profile

Add Standalone Profile

To create a new profile for accessing your Virtual Machine:

  1. Head to the Standalone Profile section in the left-hand navigation panel
  2. Press “+ Add Standalone Profile” icon in the top right corner
  3. Specify the profile’s properties:
    • Profile name
    • Public key – insert public SSH key to access your VM

You can add a Security Group to your Profile, if you want to allow SSH access.

  1. Click Add Group 
  2. Choose a Name: use at least 3 alphanumeric characters
  3. Choose a type of Protocol: 
    • ICMP: reports errors, generating messages to the source IP 
    • TCP: Uses the three-way handshake. Error-free data is more important than speed.
    • UDP: Focused in speed, processing info as fast as possible. 
  4. Choose a Port Minimum Range and a Port Maximum Range: which port you want to allow access. Default port for SSH is 22.
  5. Choose a Remote IP Prefix: Fill in the IP of the machine you want to allow use
  6. Click Add in bottom right. 

Profile can be edited only during creation

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