

Enable autoscaler

Autoscaling is an essential aspect of cloud computing and Kubernetes deployment, as it enables organizations to manage resources more effectively, optimize costs, and ensure the high availability of their applications.

With Taikun’s autoscaling, organizations can define the rules and conditions that determine when and how the system should scale. For example, organizations can set a rule that when CPU utilization exceeds a certain threshold, new workers should be added to the cluster.

Enabling autoscaler during a Project creation

Manager | Partner

The first way to enable auto-scaling is during a Project creation.

Taikun – Enabling autoscaler during project creation

Define auto-scaling

  • Name – specify a name for an atoscaler
  • Minimum Workers count – define a minimum count of workers
  • Maximum Workers count – define a maximum count of workers
  • Disk Size (GB) – define the size of the disk
  • Flavor – bind the flavor for this server

Enabling autoscaler in existing Project

User | Manager | Partner

Also, you can enable autoscaling when the Project is created

Taikun – Enabling autoscaler from settings after a project’s creation

Define auto-scaling

  • Name – specify a name for an autoscaler
  • Minimum Workers count – define a minimum count of workers
  • Maximum Workers count – define a maximum count of workers
  • Disk Size (GB) – define the size of the disk
  • Flavor – bind the flavor for this server
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