

All Cloud Providers Overview

Overview of Cloud Providers Supported by Taikun CloudWorks

Taikun CloudWorks provides robust multi-cloud management that allows you to deploy, manage, and scale Kubernetes clusters across multiple cloud environments. This overview highlights the cloud providers supported by Taikun CloudWorks and refers you to our detailed documentation on integrating each provider into your workflow.

Here is a brief overview of the cloud providers you can connect to Taikun CloudWorks:

1. Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a comprehensive and widely used cloud computing platform offered by Amazon, one of the world’s largest e-commerce and technology companies. AWS provides a range of cloud services that enable individuals, businesses, and organizations to access and utilize computing resources over the Internet.

Easily manage your Kubernetes clusters and virtual machines on AWS, using its global reach and extensive cloud services.

How to connect AWS: Learn more

2. Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is a suite of cloud computing services provided by Google. It offers a wide array of tools and services that enable individuals and businesses to build, deploy, and manage applications, data storage, and various computing resources in the cloud.

Deploy and manage Kubernetes clusters and virtual machines on GCP, leveraging its powerful analytics and machine learning tools.

How to connect GCP: Learn more

3. Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure, commonly referred to as Azure, is a comprehensive cloud computing platform provided by Microsoft. It offers a wide range of services and tools for building, deploying, and managing applications and services through Microsoft’s global network of data centers.

Integrate Azure with Taikun CloudWorks to manage Kubernetes clusters and virtual machines and scale your applications effortlessly.

How to connect Azure: Learn more

4. OpenStack

OpenStack is an open-source cloud computing platform that allows organizations to create and manage public and private clouds. It provides software tools for building and managing cloud infrastructure, offering flexibility and control over your environment.

Use OpenStack for your private cloud needs, and manage your Kubernetes clusters, virtual machines, and resources with Taikun CloudWorks.

How to connect OpenStack: Learn more

5. Proxmox

Proxmox VE (Virtual Environment) is an open-source server virtualization management platform. It allows you to create and manage virtual machines (VMs) and containers on a cluster of physical servers. Proxmox VE is based on Debian Linux and uses KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machine) as the hypervisor and LXC (Linux Containers) for lightweight virtualization. 

Deploy and manage Kubernetes clusters and virtual machines on Proxmox, an open-source platform for virtualization.

How to connect Proxmox: Learn more

6. Red Hat OpenShift

OpenShift is a containerization and Kubernetes platform developed by Red Hat, a leading open-source software company. It is designed to simplify containerized applications’ deployment, management, and scaling. OpenShift provides a comprehensive set of tools and features for building, deploying, and running container-based applications in a cloud-native and DevOps-friendly manner.

Integrate OpenShift to benefit from its enterprise-grade Kubernetes management features and deploy applications directly from repositories.

How to connect OpenShift: Learn more

7. VMware Tanzu

Tanzu is a suite of products and services developed by VMware to facilitate the deployment, management, and modernization of applications across multi-cloud and hybrid-cloud environments. It aims to simplify and accelerate the process of building, running, and managing applications using modern cloud-native technologies. 

Manage Kubernetes clusters on VMware Tanzu, designed to modernize applications and infrastructure.

How to connect Tanzu: Learn more

8. VMware vSphere

vSphere is a virtualization platform developed by VMware. It enables organizations to create and manage virtualized IT environments, including virtual machines (VMs), on a large scale. It also virtualizes features such as computing, storage, and networking resources.

Use vSphere’s virtualization capabilities to deploy and manage Kubernetes clusters and virtual machines efficiently.

How to connect vSphere: Learn more

9. Zadara

Zadara’s storage infrastructure is built to be highly available and reliable. It offers a wide range of storage options, including block, file, and object storage, as well as specialized solutions for specific use cases such as high-performance computing (HPC) and big data analytics.

Leverage Zadara’s cloud services to run and manage Kubernetes clusters and virtual machines with Taikun CloudWorks.

How to connect Zadara: Learn more

10. Zededa

ZEDEDA is a cloud-based platform that simplifies applications’ deployment, management, and security on edge devices. It provides a central control point for distributing and updating software across diverse hardware, ensuring seamless operations. ZEDEDA adopts a zero-trust security model to protect sensitive data and applications from cyber threats in edge environments while leaving data handling and processing to the user’s specific needs.

With Taikun CloudWorks, you can manage infrastructure and application deployment across edge devices using ZEDEDA’s powerful platform.

How to connect Zededa: Learn more

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